Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SVT 065 G Closed that thread? - 12/03/01 01:17 PM
Mark, why in the world did you close that thread? I, for one, was not arguing, or pissing at all, but enjoying some conversation about, traction, power-to-weight, drivetrain durability, and the usefulness of hp/tq. So what if others were throwing a few flames, in forums that happens. I saw no need for that thread to be closed.
Posted By: WorldTour Re: Closed that thread? - 12/03/01 03:39 PM
The thread was to the point of being the typical Bret vs. Demon confrontation with little legitimacy to the discussion. (which ended completely off the original topic)

I closed the thread before it got out of control.
If you guys want to continue talking about torque vs ET issues please do it in the performance forum.
Posted By: bret Re: Closed that thread? - 12/04/01 04:46 AM
Originally posted by WorldTour:
The thread was to the point of being the typical Bret vs. Demon confrontation with little legitimacy to the discussion. (which ended completely off the original topic)

I closed the thread before it got out of control.
If you guys want to continue talking about torque vs ET issues please do it in the performance forum.

yeah... that thread had me arguing things i don't even believe myself... i felt a little cornered and said somethings i did not mean (both regarding contours and people) i am glad mark closed it before it got worse.

just to set the record straight, i never meant to come across saying "traction does not matter" if it seemed like i was arguing that issue, i was not... i just got a little caught up in the argument.
Posted By: RTStabler51 Re: Closed that thread? - 12/07/01 05:30 PM
I'll probably get flamed for this...

But that is one of the reasons i don't frequent this board. is a bunch of stuff like that.......

Its cool to read the stated things, but once it gets into a pissing contest, then I feel like I'm watching some high school chicks going at it...wait that would be kinda cool, huh? :p

I was wondering if you could help out with my launching do you get yours too hook so good??? My bes 60' is a 2.28, but I'm usually in the 2.3X mark...I'm not consistent in do you do it??
Posted By: sqplus Re: Closed that thread? - 12/08/01 10:11 AM
Originally posted by RTStabler51:
Its cool to read the stated things, but once it gets into a pissing contest, then I feel like I'm watching some high school chicks going at it...wait that would be kinda cool, huh? :p

laugh laugh uh...yeah!

I think you're thinking of a couple highschool 'jock' types arguing over whos car is faster based on how fast they look. wink
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