Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/01/03 10:36 AM
So I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem? Last weekend I finally got my 3L Hybrid dropped into my 95 SE. Got everything hooked up and at this point, I'm so excited, words can't explain. I hit the key and she cranks, start!! She'll crank for a couple seconds and then locks up as if someone jammed something in the chains or something. It's a solid stop. In talking with one of the guys at work, he suggested that it's getting too much gas. It think it's possible since I went from stock 17's to 24's. It cranks and sputters like she wants to start but she doesn't quite catch. Also, maybe caused by the higher compression, but my starter sounds like it's got a lot less a$$ when she's cranking. I had 178k miles on the 2.5 when I pulled it out. Maybe the starter's weak??

I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem with their 3L Hybrid not wanting to start or if anyone has any suggestions I might be able to go on.
Posted By: obicanobi0_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/01/03 11:30 AM
Kinda sounds like its not timmed correctly. Check your timming chain sensors while your at it. When I did my swap I was extremly suprised how fast it started. Like it was never out of the car. So If i was you I would check to make sure gas is getting in there, and also to make sure you have spark.
Posted By: Buckshot77_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/01/03 01:03 PM
Please tell me you didn't reuase the timing chains and heads from your old engine on this swap? With that kind of mileage the heads and timing assemblies were due for repair/replacement. If it's a solid stop, you'd never get enough fuel to do that. I went from 19's to 42's my first time around and it started and ran until it fouled the plugs out. I'd say check timing.

Posted By: kinger_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/01/03 02:30 PM
He used our P&P heads with 3L valves but your 100% right it sounds like a timing issue.

What year 3L and what parts from your 2.5 did you use?
Posted By: procyon_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/01/03 08:48 PM
The engine cranking and not starting is very typical of the pulsewheel being put on incorrectly. The two keyways on the pulsewheel are almost 180° apart and using the wrong one will result in a no start.

See some old posts about this here.
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/02/03 10:40 AM
I used brand new chains and like Jesse said, a set of heads that he had and were reworked. As far as timing, all my marks were lined up dead nuts. The crank pulse wheel I bought a new one and used the 2.5 mark on the keyway (I've got a picture of it but havn't put it on a server yet so can't post it here). Made sure of that putting it all together. I've got good spark and I know it's getting gas cause I can smell it.

As far as it locking up during cranking. I don't think it's hitting valves or anything because as soon as I let off the key, she'll crank again like it never stopped. I will admit, when I was putting it together, I didn't realize the ACTUAL timing mark on the crank chain gears and was first timing off the keyway. But the valves were hitting when I turned it over by hand. As soon as I realized that the actual timing mark was like 160 degrees from the keyway, I corrected and everything rotated fine before I put the front cover on. I'm confused.

I'm going up today to try and maybe pinch off the fuel feed and cut some of the flow to the injectors off. If that doesn't work, I'm changing back to the old fuel rails and the 17's and see if I can get her to start that way.
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/02/03 10:45 AM
The keyway should be right at the dead spot (open tooth) on the pulse wheel, right? I just took a look a the picture and that's what I've got.......please tell me that's right cause I REALLY don't feel like pulling this thing apart again.
Posted By: warmonger_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/02/03 02:36 PM
1.) You are probably ok with your timing if you can crank for a few least insofar as the valves not hitting the pistons because if they were you would have locked up on the 1st revolution and it wouldn't 'crank' over.

2.) It is possible that you are getting so much fuel that it fills the cylinders and locks up the motor, but unlikely. You need to pull your spark plugs and look for fuel. You also will have to dump the oil since all that raw gas is leaking down past the rings. It will strip oil of the cylinders and reduce compression. It will build up harmful vapors and probably cause a small explosion if you do get it to run.
Pull the plugs, check/change the oil.

3.) Unplug the fuse for the fuel pump, crank it and check for spark. If you have spark and you have no fuel dumping in and flooding it then you should be able to start. Check fuel pressure too. You could go back to the 17# injectors just to see if it will run as you already suggested.

4.) Why would the engine lock up after cranking, but then when you let off the key and try again it cranks? Could be a problem with the starter? Could be something mechanically wrong inside the engine? Be carefull and check out the proper areas.

Fuel, Air, Spark If you have these and you engine is timed ok then it should start.
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/02/03 04:33 PM
Ok, well, I just got to my dad's house and sprinkled her with holy water before giving her another shot . Still no go. BUT, she did crank a bit longer before locking up during cranking. I pinched off the supply fuel line and she cranked a lot longer but no fire. She did sound a lot more like she wanted to start this time though.

I pulled #5 plug and checked and she's soaked in gas and black as hell. So I'm guessing that's what it is is just too much gas. I'm on my way into town now to get new plugs and am letting the battery charge while I'm gone. When I get back I think I'm gonna put the old 17's back in her and see what happens with those and new plugs. Even if I just have to take it REAL easy on her for break-in with the 17's then put the 24's back in before dyno tuning.

I'll let ya all know what happens!!
Posted By: procyon_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/02/03 07:39 PM
Originally posted by SETour95:
The keyway should be right at the dead spot (open tooth) on the pulse wheel, right? I just took a look a the picture and that's what I've got.......please tell me that's right cause I REALLY don't feel like pulling this thing apart again.

You need to use the keyway furthest away from the missing tooth. See the picture for help. I would recommend that someone put this picture in their how-to or maybe Lance could put it on the site.
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/02/03 08:52 PM
Ok,!t...looks like that's where I went wrong. I thought I matched it up with the one I pulled out of the 2.5 cause when I went to the DMD I didn't want it rubbing on the front cover. Ok, how many people suggest pulling this thing back out to remove the front cover or should I just try and pull it with the thing in? Damn I feel real stupid right about now.

Thanks for the help guys. I knew when I saw the people replying to my post I'd get the right answers. That's why when I have questions about my baby I come here!!
Posted By: kinger_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/04/03 11:56 AM
DOH! Good luck!
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/04/03 08:51 PM
Jesse, so I'm assuming (I know I shouldn't do that) that I'm better off pulling the damn thing back out? I had planned on having my bro trailer the thing down here so I can quit wasting the gas driving up there and back (160 miles each way) and was just going to do it here at my apt. but decided against that idea. At least my dad has a garage in case the weather turns nasty.

I SHOULD be able to do it with the engine still in the car within one weekend I'm hoping?? I guess we'll find out this coming weekend. I'm gonna head up there one last time and if I don't get it......the damn things goin up for sale!! ......ok, maybe not.
Posted By: kinger_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/04/03 09:12 PM
I think it can be done in the car but you better have rubber hands No it should be OK I think going in from the pass side and from the top you should be able to get the timing cover off. She'll be tight though! Good luck!
Posted By: EricF Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/04/03 11:45 PM
Yup my rebuilder did the same thing with my engine when he put it all
back together...
And yes it was fixed on the car.. (cougar) so its possible
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/05/03 12:15 AM
Originally posted by kinger:
I think it can be done in the car but you better have rubber hands

I like that . Ok, well I'm taking Monday off for vacation just to give me the extra time. Plus, that way if I get her running, it'll give me a little extra time to get some break-in miles on her. I figure I'll have AT LEAST 300 just the first day with all the running and showing off and junk I need to do with her.
Posted By: kinger_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/05/03 02:02 AM
Getting her started is only half the battle, I'm still tuning! Mine went uder the knife oct 16th, 2002.
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/05/03 02:46 AM
Wow, and I thought I was doing bad since mine's been parked since mid Nov. 02. She didn't hit the table till mid April when I put her on heart bypass though.

I plan to get her broke in and then I've got a place here in S.E. Michigan that'll dyno tune with a chip for $400. I don't plan on doing any other MAJOR go mods after this. I MIGHT eventually spray her, but most likely not.

BTW, I loved that vid or yours.
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/10/03 06:52 AM
WELL, tomorrow's the big day. Ok, I just looked at the clock, later today. I got the pulse wheel relocated and everything back together, I think ....hehe, j/k, I'll double check it all first thing in the AM. Got the SVT LIM w/ 24 lb injectors back in so we'll see what happens with that too.

Thanks guys for the help and I'll keep ya's updated on what happens.
Posted By: warmonger_dup1 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/10/03 02:36 PM
Cool, eagerly awaiting another SVT re-birth.
Posted By: BlackCSVT Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/10/03 03:42 PM
I recall making the same mistake with Svtnates car. We knew it had to be put on the 2.5 keyway yet for some reason we still ended up placing it on the shaft backwards. Duh! The timing cover is a real treat to take off while it is still in the car but we did it in a timely manner. Of course we lost a few knuckles along the way but ya win some and lose some. If it wasnt for that damn alternator!! On a more positive note I hope all goes well with the 3L. Getting it running is the easy part. Tuning the dang thing is more than half the battle. Good Luck.
Posted By: SvtTour98.5-3 Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/12/03 02:29 AM
WOO HOOOOOO!! Another 3L lives. She was reborn yesterday (Sunday) morning around 10:30am. Ended up pulling the 24lb'ers for the breakin. I took her up to the gas station to fill her up with premium and the A/F gauge that I installed in my A-pod was stayed at the bottom of the rich side even sitting at idle.

Put the 17's back in her and I'll just have to take it easy on her for a while I guess.

Thanks a TON for the help guys. And I didn't really break any nuckles during the process. Took me about 10 hours or so all together to get that damn wheel changed over, but that also included all the smoke breaks and stopping to talk to my dad cause he likes to ramble on about nothing.

As far as the alternator, I first thought I'd have to take it out, but then got to thinking.......hey, wait a minute, there's only one bolt that holds the damn bracket to the block. I just left the bracket mounted to the cover and the alternator on the bracket and just pulled the single bolt holding it to the block. All I needed to do was get enough room to clear the key in order to turn the pulse wheel.
Posted By: MotorCity Re: 3L Hybrid Not Starting - 08/12/03 05:40 AM
Good job!
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