Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: csl72 Toyo Proxes 4 - 04/19/06 01:51 PM
I have searched and found a little bit of info on here about these, but wondered if anybody has any updates after more miles.

Have these on order to replace my worn out Pirelli PZero Nero M+S. Suppose I could change if you guys say they suck! I know they are M+S and not ultimately as sporty as KDW'S (Had those... too damn noisy and don't really want to go winter summer setup.)

I liked the Nero's initially, but they did not age real well. Only lasted about 20K and need replaced. Not much tread life left and it seems like the balance got off on them. Lots o shimmy and shake. Tire shop mentioned road force issues which i had not heard of: apparently something like consistency of radial pressure/tire stength is kinda the way it was descibed to me. Could be BS, anybody else heard of that?

Specifically wondering about the mileage you may have gotten on your tours and how the noise level is, especially as the mileage adds up. Other comments/reviews appreciated too.

Thanks for any impressions anybody has on these.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: Toyo Proxes 4 - 04/19/06 05:45 PM
You won't be happy with the proxes 4...get the T1Rs or w/e they are called.
Posted By: Auto-X Fil Re: Toyo Proxes 4 - 04/19/06 05:56 PM
He said he needs them for all-year.

Check out the Kumho ASX and Falken Ziex ZE-512. The Falken is an extremely popular tire.
Posted By: Mod-deth Re: Toyo Proxes 4 - 04/19/06 05:59 PM
Or Avon 550's. Top rated A/S on
Posted By: KingpinSVT Re: Toyo Proxes 4 - 04/19/06 08:07 PM
Originally posted by mapoftazifoshoĆ¢ā??Ā¢:
You won't be happy with the proxes 4...

Why not? I like mine alright. I dunno about mileage though (bought them used. I havent kept track of all the mileage since they are on and off the car depending on the season. I havent driven with them in the snow, but Im not too sure how that would go). I know Stazis almost 300whp didnt get along with them too well, but my 175whp does just fine
Posted By: LUCA_dup1 Re: Toyo Proxes 4 - 04/20/06 01:25 AM
So far I like mine too.
These won't be a winter tire for me either.
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