Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Phil Rohtla_dup1 Pedal vibrattions - 07/19/04 06:16 PM
Sometimes when i hit the brakes, I get a lot of kickbabck and vibration, like the ABS is kicking in. The problem is I am not in a situation where the ABS should be kicking in. I am usually stopping at a light very sedately. Am I looking at trouble here?
Posted By: Stazi Re: Pedal vibrattions - 07/19/04 08:06 PM
Are you saying it only happens under light braking, or that you typically use only a little pedal force?

Sometimes, too light of a brakin technique will cause the pads material to deposit itself onto the rotors. This can be remedied by removing the rotors and scuffing them back with some emery cloth.

Therwise is it's shakin the steering wheel considerably, your rotors may be at the end of their life, and have started warping due to reduced thickness and consequent inability for them to disipate heat quick enough, resulting in warping.
Posted By: Phil Rohtla_dup1 Re: Pedal vibrattions - 07/19/04 09:47 PM
Usually it is under light braking, although it has happened once under harder braking. Pads and rotors are a year old, and I re-torque my bolts personally with a torque wrench if the wheels ever come off.
Posted By: HITMANinMI Re: Pedal vibrattions - 07/19/04 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Stazi the Aussie:
Are you saying it only happens under light braking, or that you typically use only a little pedal force?

Sometimes, too light of a brakin technique will cause the pads material to deposit itself onto the rotors. This can be remedied by removing the rotors and scuffing them back with some emery cloth.

Seriously my pulsation is almost gone after I did some heavy braking. It seems under 30 while braking and only for a second to two I get a pulsation.

I dont have to remove the damn caliper and stuff I could actually just scrub them while there on there?
Posted By: patman Re: Pedal vibrattions - 07/20/04 01:04 AM
Does it feel like a bad rotor or like the ABS is kicking in. You mentioned it felt like ABS in your first post. Just trying to figure out which problem we're chasing, and ABS problem or a rotor problem
Posted By: Phil Rohtla_dup1 Re: Pedal vibrattions - 07/20/04 12:40 PM
It feels like the ABS is kicking in.
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