Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
well... now i know why everyone say brakes for the first mod cause the stock svt ones aren't for [censored] ...raced a ss sport chevy truck on a un habitted/no traveled road...2.5 miles long and well when i got to 130 and he was nowhere to be found i tried to stop for the stop sign about a half mile ahead of me and well , peddle to the floor(brake peddle)and i flew thru an intersection about 60 mph.....scary...i know , stupid manuver but for real guys... be careful god was watching me today .oh i beat him both times by like 60 car lengths...and my friend pooped himself ..for real.. once again remember the car likes to go fast but it hates slowing down give ur self more then a mile and don't be stupid like me today... i recommend brake up grade before anything if u plan on going fast occasionally! have a good turky day!

You do realize that at 130 mph you will need a LOT of room to stop - a Cougar with a similar brake setup will stop from 80 in 230 feet (Road and Track). Since stopping distance goes up with the square of your speed then (130/80)^2 = 2.64x so you'll need at least! 607 feet (if your brakes don't fade at all - which they probably will at those speeds in a full stop). That is 2 football fields, so you better plan ahead (or keep those speeds on the highway where it's at least "moderately" safe).
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Healey said investigators were in the process of removing from the truck the so-called "black box" containing a computer with information about the vehicle's speed and other technical data. General Motors has been equipping many of its vehicles with the boxes for several years.

Has anyone ever heard of this ?
Originally posted by Contouraholic:
In reply to:

Healey said investigators were in the process of removing from the truck the so-called "black box" containing a computer with information about the vehicle's speed and other technical data. General Motors has been equipping many of its vehicles with the boxes for several years.

Has anyone ever heard of this ?

I'm not sure of how this post got on this thread, but yes, the air bag monitor probably stores such information. I have seen Ford accident investigators extract such information from vehicles involved in litigation after an accident in which the air bags deployed. I can only guess how it works. No one wanted to talk about it.
yes, the black box tells the speed before impact, amount of braking before impact and i believe it tell direction> if it was spinning or in a slide. it basically makes it so noone can bullsh!t a cop and get out of trouble. oh...before impact means before airbags are deployed or the sensors in the bumper "turn on".
wow.. i do belive u r correct, all i'm trying to say is be carful, what i did today WAS stuipid. i got lucky
Originally posted by svtnics:
... god was watching me today

Was God watching when you decided to be an ass and race someone on a public road?
maybe God was looking out for the people you could have killed/crippled
yes u r right. all i was saying is that i was being stupid and that when your having fun u sometimes don't think of what could happen and even if you do there are so many variables that you can't think of all the reations that could result from your actions. all i wanted to do is remind people to be careful and i admit that what i did could have been prevented and was xtremely stuipid . god bless all.
Originally posted by AndrewR:
Originally posted by svtnics:
... god was watching me today

Was God watching when you decided to be an ass and race someone on a public road?

if you could read you would have seen it wasn't a public road. 3 people live on it and it's all farm land, but it does run into a public road and i should have not been and ass and race him so,... you are right
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