Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: posthuman63t any hints for parking brake? - 07/18/06 01:39 AM
I just got a new parking brake (or e-brake) with cable and I am installing it while waiting on some parts for my 3L build. Anyways, I know how the set-up is and works for the parking brake as far as the front cable (small cable attatched to parking brake) leads to a bracket where cables that run to the rear calipers are connected to.

My problem is that I installed the new lever, and the bracket assembly is there, but I can't get the rear cables into the bracket. The only way I can get them in, is if I unbolt the lever, and install them, but then I cant move the lever forward enough to line up the bolt holes again.

Anyone have any hints for an easy install? I don't really want to pull the rear wheels and remove the calipers to relieve any tension that i may get while trying to hook it up to the branket.
Posted By: rkneeshaw Re: any hints for parking brake? - 07/18/06 06:57 PM
The e-brake will automatically adjust for length. It sounds like the one you have has already auto-adjusted too short before you had a chance to isntall it. Maybe there is a release mechanism that will let out more cable from the ebrake lever assembly allowing enough slack to get the cables installed.... ?
Posted By: bensenvill Re: any hints for parking brake? - 07/18/06 11:08 PM
ok, I had the same problem.

did you order this from Bill J as the e-brake cable kit?

if so, you probably have the wrong cable. I struggled with mine for a few days but no matter what I did, it was just too short to hook on.

called up bill and had the non-kit cables sent and ... well... they just worked.
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