Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: slingersvt Snapped off the bleeder valve - 06/27/05 05:28 PM
Some of you may have seen my post in the pics/vids forum last week. I got my calipers PC'ed and I went to bleed them and the bleeder valve snapped off.

I tried using an easy-out and the damn thing snapped off in the hole.

I then cut a groove in the top with a dremel in hopes to pop is loose with flat head screw driver and some PB Blaster. No dice.

So I came into work this morning and stopped at the welding/maching shop across the street. He welded a nut on the caliper bleeder valve and broke it loose.....I waited for him and it took him about 10~15 min. from explaining to welding to paying, etc. $15.00.....I should've just done that in the first place!!

Should have the car back on the street later this week.


Posted By: Stazi Re: Snapped off the bleeder valve - 06/27/05 05:59 PM
Sweet - at least you got it fixed. Do you mean he wleded a bolt onto the broken piece? Got pics? If not at least take a pic of the welded contraption and post it so others that fall into the same predicament can see what you did to fix it.

Can't wait to see the pics!
Posted By: slingersvt Re: Snapped off the bleeder valve - 06/27/05 06:13 PM
I'll stop over there and get it in a few hours. Unless he threw it away I'll have pics up tonight. I tried to get it when I picked up the caliper but he was gone for lunch.


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