Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Stylin55_oh resurfacing brake pads?? - 05/31/05 07:07 PM
Any way to fix the fact my brake pads wore uneven and then when i put them back in the whole pad wont touch the rotor?? and how the heck did they do that anyways??
Posted By: DemonSVT_dup1 Re: resurfacing brake pads?? - 05/31/05 07:51 PM

$30 for a new set to go with your new or at least resurfaced rotors.


They became that way because your calipers are sticking and pressing unevenly.

Make sure to clean the guides and replace the pins if even marginally scored. Don't forget the synthetic lube for them either.

Make sure to put the external clip on properly too.
Posted By: ContourGuy9817 Re: resurfacing brake pads?? - 06/01/05 06:03 PM
im a believer on the clip comment, fools at the dealership left one of my front ones out once, vibrates and wears like ass...make sure its in.
Posted By: Stylin55_oh Re: resurfacing brake pads?? - 06/01/05 06:14 PM
actually, i did notice that one clip had become loose, but i fixed it as soon as i saw that, but both wore funny and only one clip was loose. I'm going to put them back on for a little while. and if they dont wear back to normal, i guess i will replace them.

On an interesting note even with only half the pad touching my brakes were still like 100 times better than those in the cavalier i was driving temporarily
Posted By: Matt R_dup1 Re: resurfacing brake pads?? - 06/02/05 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Stylin55_oh:

On an interesting note even with only half the pad touching my brakes were still like 100 times better than those in the cavalier i was driving temporarily

Tell Hitman that.
Posted By: KingpinSVT Re: resurfacing brake pads?? - 06/02/05 03:13 AM
he'll just say "whateva, im picking up all da chickas, [censored]!"
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