Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Hdbngr8 DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 02:10 PM
Has anyone converted their car from DOT3 brake fluid to DOT4? If so, was there any problems with seal wear or other issue?
Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 03:15 PM
For anyone interested - a call to the SVTOA answered the question. According to them there is no problem changing from DOT3 to DOT4 fluid provided -
1) There is no silicone in the new fluid
2) The fluid comes from Ford (Motorcraft)

I'm off to make the change.
Posted By: Todd TCE_dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 03:44 PM
2) The fluid comes from Ford (Motorcraft)


I'm off to make the change.


Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 03:48 PM
Don't know why Ford said Motorcraft fluid only - I'm guessing either they want the part sales, or some legal reason.

Why am I changing? Going to the On-track event at IRP this weekend and wanted to have some fluid w/ a slightly higher boiling point. Any reason I shouldn't change?
Posted By: SVTFern_dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 04:07 PM
Have you ever been to an Ontrack Event? Do you have a lot of track experience? If no to any of the above I would not worry about converting to a different fluid. Just make sure the fluid you have is clean so that it will retain its boiling point.... from what I know the dirtier the fluid the lower the boiling point.
Try to find a Dot 3 with a high boiling point ... that is what I run.

I will be at IRP this weekend as well. I have been to many, many track events and have only ever used DOT 3. Pedal gets a bit mushy towards the end of the session but that is a result of the high speeds I am running at the end of the strightaways. IRP has one mother of a long strightaway.

See you there.

Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 04:11 PM
No, have not been to an on-track event and have no experience. A couple members of the local SVTOA chapter recommended changing. From what I have read there is a lot of conflicting information on this subject. The bottom line that I can deduce is that it won't hurt to change it, but the fluid will have to be changed more often. The benefits of DOT4 fluid do not appear to be terribly signifcant, but since I have DOT4 in my possession I'm going to change anyway. See you at IRP!
Posted By: alex_96GL_dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 04:13 PM
check this out. more specifically, check Andy's post with this link you will be surprised to find that what you need for open track event is delivered by Ford Heavy Duty DOT 3 brake fluid.
Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 04:23 PM
Thanks for the info. The Article from SHOTimes is in some disagreement with the article from this site brake fluid , primarily where it discusses compatibility in the brake system. That is what started this thread in the first place.
Posted By: timeless420_dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 04:39 PM
I use Motul 5.1 fluid. So far it's the best damn fluid I've used. I've gone through 3 track days so far without the pedal going soft like it would with the Motocraft HD Dot4 fluid after 1/2 a day. Another bonus with the 5.1 stuff is that it isn't very hydroscopic and it has a decnet wet boiling point as well
Posted By: Todd TCE_dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 04:39 PM
Not beating you up, just seeing if you put any thought into the reasons for the changes and did some research on the pros and cons of alternate fluids. It appears you have and needed or not I believe you'll be fine. Still not keen on that 'ford only' statement...oh well. Be safe. Have fun.
Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 04:52 PM
No problem - it's always good to get opinions from others who may have dabbled with this before. I plan on having a lot of fun at IRP - can't wait. Just hope I bring the car home in one piece -lol.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 05:47 PM
First off Read the FAQ!

Second there is nothing wrong with using synthetic fluid but do not switch to silicon fluid(Dot 5). Switching to Synthetic brake fluid is like switch to synthetic oil, probably better for you in the long run. But Silicon is completely different and is only used in special braking systems.

Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 05:54 PM
Actually, I did read the FAQ - first thing I checked. I also checked other sources, hence the contradictory information I found. Your source (the SHO Times) conflicts with other data I found. I was simply trying to find someone who had done this (which the FAQ did not address) and any problems associated while changing from DOT3 to DOT4 (which the FAQ also does not address). Next time maybe I should just talk to Ford first, rather than checking the FAQ's that don't answer my questions.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 06:52 PM
The common problem is that people get silicon based brakes fluids and synthetic based mixed up. Where do you see a contradiction?

The DOT 2 spec is for drum brakes and is obsolete. If you have any DOT 2 in your garage, throw it away! DOT 5 is for silicone brake fluid. Silicone brake fluid (DOT 5) should be avoided because it is not compatible with regular brake fluid, it is hard to pour without introducing bubbles and thus results in soft pedal feel, and moisture still gets into your system and will pool in low areas like your calipers and encourage rapid corrosion. STAY AWAY!

That leaves DOT 3 and DOT 4 fluids. These fluids are compatible with each other and may be interchanged or mixed with no ill effects.

Posted By: Big Jim_dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 07:07 PM
If you are asking for long term use of DOT 4 fluid and if it had any ill effests I'm an example.

I change brake fluid annually. I have used DOT 4 fluid since the first change when the car was one year old. I have had no hydrauilic brake or clutch system issues. The car was purchased in August of 97 and has just gone over 200,000 miles. Most of the time that has been with Valvoline Synpower brake fluid.

So it seems to be working fine on my 98 SVT E0.
Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 07:59 PM
My original post had nothing to do with silicone based fluids - simply DOT3 vs DOT4 (neither of which I have found use silicone). In my second post I believe I stated Ford said do not use silicone (which I am not). The contradiction was the SHO Times article (from the FAQ section) stated that "DOT3 and DOT4 fluid can be interchanged with no ill effects". An article supplied by another CEG'er some months ago stated that changing from DOT3 to DOT4 was not recommended. So, which one do you believe? I believe the SHO article now because I asked Ford SVTOA and they said it was OK. I think we've beat this one to death, don't you think?
Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 08:02 PM
Thank you - since I have the same year and model as you I feel much better about this.
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 08:58 PM
Now that I've scanned that article, I see what you mean. But in the second section, he contradicts himself within 30 lines. I think they state "be careful" just to cover their ass. Many CEGers have run all ranges of the Fluids listed in the FAQ and have not noted any leakage problems or damage. I personally prefer ATE's fluids but the Synpower is good stuf for the less agressive driver. I've been running ATE for two years now.

Posted By: Hdbngr8 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/04/04 09:08 PM
One of my SVT friends did some research and he suggested the Ford DOT4 stuff, which is what I purchased. We'll find out how good it is this weekend. I guess my initial question was 100% clear on what I was looking for, but I think I have the answer now.
Posted By: hmouta_dup1 Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/06/04 01:44 AM
and the ate is super easy to use. i knew exactly when the old stuff is out cuz the blue starting flowing out. then get the regular ate next time and bleed out the blue stuff.
Posted By: mcfast Re: DOT 4 brake fluid - 10/07/04 01:21 PM
I use Motul 5.1 fluid.
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