Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: ChattavegasSE_dup1 SEXY!! - 09/02/02 09:34 PM
Here's a quick pic of my sexy Zetec:

It's the last one you'll see as it is dead as of last night, but it still looks nice!
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: SEXY!! - 09/02/02 09:39 PM
I like it and I don't mean to rag on you but why did you get red wires and paint the VCT on the cover red when your car is blue?
Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/02/02 10:18 PM
I like the red on the blue car. To make it even better, I think that red silicone adapters in the intake would have made it looke even nicer.

How did she die?
Posted By: ChattavegasSE_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/02/02 10:23 PM
Hector-you're bustin' my balls man!

EX-I was just about to see if I could order a set of red couplings in a few days to have the whole red/chrome effect, that's kinda wierd that you read my mind like that!

I was driving a new road, taking a friend home, and I underestimated a turn. It kept getting tighter and tighter where I thought it would be straightening out. We went off the road at ~40-45 and hit a tree or something. We rolled at least one time and landed on the wheels on the same side of the road, but facing the wrong direction. There were no major injuries-I burned my arm real bad on the air bag and I had my hand on the gear shift, so when we hit, I ripped it out of the console. That screwed up my hand kinda bad, but nothing was broken. My passenger knocked out the window with his head and cut his knee on something. He was complaining about a sore neck and back, but we were just beaten up by it. We are both doing fine and will make a full recovery.
Posted By: BK4293_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/02/02 10:34 PM
Actually I was thinking of doing mine in yellow, but I'm debating on the "Rice Factor" Blue would just look to plain, and red would contrast too much, yellow would contrast, but in a nice way. But I still want to paint the brake calipers red.
Posted By: CRZYDRVR_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/02/02 10:56 PM
Wow, glad to hear that your ok. Sounds like a pretty bad wreck. Are you gonna fix the car or just junk it?
BTW, engine bay looks good.
Posted By: ChattavegasSE_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/02/02 11:11 PM
It's as junk as junk can be! I don't know how many times we rolled, but it was definitely too many. I'll probably go Tuesday or Wednesday to see what can be salvaged and sold. I don't know how well the under hood stuff fared, so don't beg for anything just yet.
Posted By: Lee_dup2 Re: SEXY!! - 09/03/02 12:33 AM
Eric, Let me know when you go to look at it. I might be able to help you determine what can and can't be saved. I'm glad to hear your O.K. Sucks about the car though.
Posted By: tiv_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/03/02 12:52 AM
Hey Eric, please don't scare us like this.
I'm glad you're OK, and sorry for your car... that was a nice one.

See you at the 28th meet,

Posted By: ExDelayed_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/03/02 01:03 AM
Ouch! Glad you all turned out ok though.
Posted By: ChattavegasSE_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/03/02 01:33 AM
Sure thing Lee! I'll go in the morning before school so I can get my parking tag, and then again on Wednesday with the claim guy from State Farm. It's at Gudel's here in Hixson. My dad and I kinda broke in today to look at it and we got kicked out. "Jacked the F up" doesn't begin to describe it. I still had a bunch of stereo stuff to install, but I saw most of it was still lying in the back seat, so that's good.
Posted By: Kremithefrog Re: SEXY!! - 09/03/02 02:43 AM
that sucks...PM me if and how much you wanna sell the CTA for... red contrasts well with blue or yellow.. i choose yellow on t-red cuz stands out more.. so red things in engine should go well with blue car
Posted By: Glenn V6 Re: SEXY!! - 09/05/02 12:07 AM
Nice engine bay , sorry to hear of the car's demise.
Posted By: FFE_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/05/02 03:01 PM
His pics if you haven't seen them

Proof that the contiques are safer then they are rated

hmmmm, how many roll overs now, and how many people walled away. Most if not all of them
Posted By: ChattavegasSE_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/05/02 07:05 PM
Thanks, FFE, I didn't even think to post that link on here. As for how many times we rolled, I have no idea. Those few seconds, I think I'll never know what really happened.
Posted By: Ausgedient the Ninja Re: SEXY!! - 09/05/02 07:10 PM
After looking at all these accidents...I really want to remove my airbag. It just seems like they cause more harm than good.
Posted By: ChattavegasSE_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/05/02 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Ausgedient:
After looking at all these accidents...I really want to remove my airbag. It just seems like they cause more harm than good.

No way man! We didn't have time to hit the airbags, but I'm glad they're there! (This is what I think happened) As soon as we hit the tree, we immediatly deflected and started rolling. If it was just a straight on hit on that tree, as it really should have been, we would have went face-first into the windsheild. That would not be fun. Nope, not a good idea.
Posted By: FFE_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/05/02 11:29 PM
sorry I made it wrote it difrent then I wanted it to say

I ment how many cotique's on these boards have rolled over the years and it seems like most if not all of the people have walked away
Posted By: Ausgedient the Ninja Re: SEXY!! - 09/06/02 03:17 AM
That is what seat belts are for silly.
Posted By: ScoobyRacing03 Re: SEXY!! - 09/06/02 06:00 AM
Originally posted by FFE:
I ment how many cotique's on these boards have rolled over the years and it seems like most if not all of the people have walked away

I can think of atleast 3 in the past year alone. one being bockshots which there is video of him rolling about 3 time if I remember correctly and getting out of the car right away and then being PISSED about it... if I go back more than a year I can think of atleast one more so 4 total. in about 2 years time... and I'm sure I am forgetting some. memory not so good right now just got done with a 13 hour work day.
Posted By: Paul Kienitz_dup1 Re: SEXY!! - 09/06/02 07:44 PM
Originally posted by FFE:
I ment how many cotique's on these boards have rolled over the years and it seems like most if not all of the people have walked away

When somebody didn't... would we have ever found out?
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