Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SilverbulletSVT1 Hypertech for SVT? - 08/06/02 04:16 AM
I went into a new performance store that just opened in my town. The guy was trying to tell me that they make a Hypertech for our cars. confused He also tried to tell me that superchips doesn't make a chip for our cars. What is this guy talking about....

1998.5 SVT
Posted By: 98riceater Re: Hypertech for SVT? - 08/06/02 04:27 AM
don't buy a superchip it fried my computer.
Posted By: SilverbulletSVT1 Re: Hypertech for SVT? - 08/06/02 04:34 AM
It fried your computer??? I was going to get a superchip if anything. Has anyone else experienced this?
Posted By: DemonSVT Re: Hypertech for SVT? - 08/06/02 04:52 AM
Originally posted by SilverbulletSVT1:
It fried your computer??? I was going to get a superchip if anything. Has anyone else experienced this?
I concur.

It fried your PCM???

Installer error perhaps?
A chip just acts as a set of tables for the computer to use. It is in no way self powered. It is basically just a flashable Eprom connected to the PCM input port.
Posted By: DanCanuck Re: Hypertech for SVT? - 08/06/02 05:07 AM
my superchip fried my computer....but that was
because I did a poor install job.....Get a pro
to do it and no worries...
Posted By: S\V/T 'Kris' Re: Hypertech for SVT? - 08/06/02 10:25 AM
i used to have a hypertech chip, it sucked ass

dont buy it, in fact chips are pretty much a waste of time unless your highly modified
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