Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: 111R accusump oil accumulator? - 09/04/05 08:54 AM
does anyone have one, specifically the BAT one for the svt? just curious if this + a 3L pan would be best or just the accusump?

Posted By: dion_dup1 Re: accusump oil accumulator? - 09/04/05 03:01 PM
Here's one discussion.

pictures of one installation
Posted By: Pope Re: accusump oil accumulator? - 09/04/05 03:17 PM
the oil accumulator would be enough.

dig through posts on this in the Duratec Performance and General Mods forums over the last 8 months, I think I've answered just about every possible question regarding one.

There's a lot of information in the installation pictures link from the previous response too.
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