Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: FlechaAutoSports Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/24/03 03:35 PM
I've search and can't seem to find the answer, is the wiring install the same?

about to purchase the 12 point one.

Posted By: csc99svt Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/24/03 03:41 PM
can i have your first gen SAFC!?
Originally posted by csc99svt:
can i have your first gen SAFC!?

normally I'd would make you a deal but I have one problem, I don't even own the first safc.

Posted By: csc99svt Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/24/03 04:02 PM
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/24/03 06:34 PM
I would think so. You just have to splice a couple more wires as the new one also monitors the knock sensor and something else I think.
I'll probably make a revised how to for the S-AFC 2, once I get my hands on the manual.
I will hop on my soap box again.
SHM Mafterburner is FAR superior to the Apexi, for less money.
Apexi has only a few adjustments, compared to the 40rpm spacing the Mafterburner has. Thats 200 different usable air/fuel ratio points to adjust across the 0-8000 RPM band.

The key one is the 3360, 3400, and 3440 rpm points. This is when the secondaries open up. My dyno sessions tell me that it gets real lean when the new air from the secondaries open up. One movement of an slider gets you the fuel and power you need. I would even say that it is possible to solve the SVT 3.4k dip.

Another key one is the 6760 and 6800 rpm points at fuel cut off. My non-svt gets real rich(I think it was the KKM) above 6k. Now I can adjust for more peak HP in the 6k-7.5k band with no less than 36 bands of adjustment.

My $.03
I just read the SHM tuner and it said 400 rpm increments not 40, is it a typo on their part? Also how much are these things.
how hard is installation compared to the apexi?
I like the Apexi 12 point system, knock system, etc.

depends on pricing, I'm running rich now and need to fix it.
They both install the same, except on wire, coil 1. Coil 1 is pin #26. Anastazi's install how-to for the Apexi works great for the mafterburner. The lastest software allows 40rpm instead of 400rpm intervals. This is accomplished by the uses of a slider that changed the increments 40 rpms each slider point. So the new software is at This changes it from 20 point to 200 points of adjustment.
Posted By: onosway Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/25/03 01:00 AM
Stazi - I can send you my Manual. I have a SAFC-2. Shoot me a PM - everything is in Japanese though. Maybe you can take my SAFC-2 if you need to confirm hookups and such.

My car is back to stock after uninstalling the SAFC-1. I don't have use for the SAFC-2 till I install my headers and redyno-tune.
That would be great if their were a how-to for the SAFC-2.

How much is the SHM MAF?
didn't see it on the site.

Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/25/03 02:31 PM
nyceboi - if you want to send me the whole contraption, manual and all, that would be cool. Then I could definitely work out what needs to be ammended to the How-To, so I can create a new one for the second version. I have Japanese coworkers here at my job, so if I get stuck, perhaps they will be able to translate some of the manual for me.

I'll PM you my address

I already check the site and they don't have a downloadable .pdf for the S-AFC 2, yet.
Goto instead of SHM. Click on products and scroll down. Paypal link on the left. BTW are you return or returnless? Return can use the MAFterbuner. If returnless, the afterburner electronic Fuel Pressure Controller is for you.
Posted By: onosway Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/26/03 03:46 AM

Got your PM. I'll ship it tomorrow. I PMed you my return address.

I would like it if you could have everything shipped back to me by April 11th (I plan on redyno tuning soon since I forgot my SAFC-1 settings when I took it out). D'oh!

Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/26/03 03:57 PM
No problem! Next time write the down, in any case the S-AFC 2 allows you 2 programs to save on it, IIRC.
MAFturburner costs just as much as the Apexi SAFC-II $300.

depends on which is easier to tune.

Posted By: UncommonTour Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/26/03 05:24 PM
what the hell is safc?
Posted By: onosway Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/26/03 05:36 PM
Originally posted by MP3Tour:
what the hell is safc?

LOL, classic! - do a search there a lot of info in the archives too. Modifies air-flow meter signal (pressure signal in some vehicles) to optimize fuel-air ratio. Stazi figured out how to install it on our cars some time ago.

I now have the (limited edition) SAFC-2 from Japan, I used to have the SAFC-1. Apexi-USA does not have the SAFC-2 out yet and no indication when it will be released here (the price on the SAFC-1 has yet to drop so I'm not sure).

I just found my old dyno plots - I think I can tune it according to that since we wrote notes on the various settings we used. I forgot that I could put two programs on the SAFC-2! Nice! Gotta love the password feature too, no more fear of people messing with it.

I just ordered the Pro-M (My 73mm C&L never liked my car FOR-SALE!) and will install headers/y soon. Hoping to get 185fwhp or more from my 2.5L after dynotuning.
Posted By: onosway Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/26/03 05:54 PM
Originally posted by FlechaAutoSports:
MAFturburner costs just as much as the Apexi SAFC-II $300.
depends on which is easier to tune.


The SAFC looks better :-p

Either way, the SAFC does not require a host computer (laptop/desktop) to operate. Changes can be done on the fly with the SAFC without the use of a computer. 12 points/200rpm

I ordered my LE SAFC-2 (only a thousand of those made) from Taka Kaira Japan - direct link to SAFC-2 for $300 (it's $400 now)

There's a guy selling them on eBay too. The difference between the SAFC-2 limited and regular is the housing and display color. Mine is white/black display vs the regular SAFC which has a blue display.
Originally posted by nyceboi:
The SAFC looks better :-p

I think a mounted laptop with its beautiful blue glow is better looking.
Posted By: onosway Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/26/03 07:44 PM
$$$ - but I have been playing with the idea of mounting my Laptop in my SVT. Kinda illegal - but I would remove the passenger side airbag to do it
New Apexi Safc II 12 point limited edition $310 shipped.

That's the one I'll get.
Posted By: onosway Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 03/26/03 08:28 PM
eBay? Good deal! Just saw that there where some limiteds in the US still.

STAZI - I shipped the SAFC-2 as of 11AM Pacific. PM'd you the tracking #. ETA - Wednesday.
Posted By: Swazo Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/12/03 11:47 PM
Any progress?
Posted By: onosway Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 01:09 AM
I think stazi's got it all figured out - he said he's shipping mine back soon.
Posted By: Swazo Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 08:42 AM
Good! I ordered my SAFC II LE lastnight. I won't have to install it for about a month, but I hope the revised "how-to" makes it out by then.....
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 12:38 PM
Only difference to the 1st generation S-AFC is the extra Purple wire for the knock sensor. You tap that into Pin 57.

Now, how you use this knock feature is beyond me, as I have yet to see a manual, other than in Japanese, and I can't figure it out in my coconut.

The new unit is sweet though, very cool looking, with a few different monitoring options and an extra TF&TF style screen monitoring screen.

The only thing I didn't like about it is the way you navigate through the screens with the joystick, it's super sensitive and does about a million things so you can jump all over the place if you're not careful.

All the same, I might get one when the prices drop a bit, and better info (in English)is available on them, to help tune it better......

Posted By: jdrinkert Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 01:24 PM
I put mine in my SE this past weekend. When I got to the purple wire, WOW no wire on pin 57! Does only the SVT have a knock sensor?
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 02:06 PM
I doubt it..... Make sure you are counting the pins right. The number go from right to left and when you get to the end of the row, they start up again on the otherside, up a row.

From what I know, the looms in all V6 Contiques are identical, provided your car is OBDII (EEC-V).
Posted By: OutOfOrder Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 02:23 PM
Is the SAFC fully functionable on our cars, or are there "controls" that we will not be able to use? I thought I remember reading somewhere that some tuners are not fully functional on the contours.
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 02:25 PM
It's fully functional. All it does is bastardize the MAF signal to trick the ECU into adding more or less fuel, as you desire.
Posted By: OutOfOrder Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 02:28 PM
Cool, and thanks for the quick reply Stazi. Are there any obvious downfalls to the Apexi system that one should know about before dropping 3 bills?
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 02:32 PM
No downfalls aside from requiring a proper dyno tune to make the most from it.
Posted By: Swazo Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 04:14 PM
Don't you only get 'data' from the knock sensor only if there's a........knock? Not trying to be a smart arse, but maybe that could be why.
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 04:18 PM
Dude, are you reading the posts? I DID get it to work and thus it reads the knock counts. All I am saying is that I have no idea on what to do with the knock associated settings in the S-AFC II.....

So yes, I have seen knock, you always will see something, it's just a matter of what is an acceptable amount.

Any Japanese CEGer's here that can read and translate documents?
Posted By: Swazo Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 04:37 PM
No I'm blindly thumbing through them just to set you off

Actually I assumed you only found WHERE to tap in but was not getting any success in............bah. Obviously I was wrong.
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 04:50 PM
Sorry I get set off easily in my old age...
My roomates girlfriend is 100% Japanese. She will help us. Someone can mail or fax me the text and I will have her translate. Let me know!!
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/13/03 05:14 PM
I'll scan it and post it tomorrow.
I will sound off again. Why settle for a 8 or 12 pt Apexi with Japanese instructions? When a 200 pt, every 40 rpm mafterburner is available instead of every 1000 rpm adjustment of the apexi. Its designed for Fords and written in English, with free immediate tech support. All for only $300.

I can adjust the a/f at 3400, 3440, 3480, 3520 and 3560 rpms. All with different amounts of gas around the 3500 rpm IMRC opening point.
Posted By: Swazo Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/14/03 01:23 AM laptop and I won't run my PC from my house to the shop every time I need to do something. it just hasn't been released in the US yet, that's the only reason the manual isn't in English. These were for the Japanese market IIRC.

The SAFC II is better than the first one. The first one I would say has proven itself since it has been on the market as a viable source to 'tune' your car. Sure there are more detailed options out there, but obviously there are those (like myself) that find this option just fine.
8pt, 12pt, 50pt, 4000pt... All are going to give the same power gains when dyno tuned properly.

The PCM Programming uses only 10 points and can generate flat line A/F numbers with tuning.
Posted By: Swazo Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/21/03 07:15 AM
I can post some pics of the manual (my scanner is down for now...) pages if that'd help.

I can't figure out what the pink and orange wires are for
Posted By: Stazi Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/21/03 11:51 AM
They're not used on our cars.
Posted By: Swazo Re: Apexi 8 point safc vs 12 point safc - 05/21/03 06:52 PM
Cool. Thanks for clearing that up Stazi.
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