Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SleeperZ Zeitronix Wideband o2 - 03/06/05 03:53 AM
Anybody have any experience with a Zeitronix wideband o2 sensor?

$279 seems like a really good price.
Posted By: DemonSVT_dup1 Re: Zeitronix Wideband o2 - 03/06/05 06:30 AM
I have, recommend, and have not seen anything better then the LM-1 Wideband.

It is very complete and has incredible datalogging ability because it allows 5 additional inputs that are completely programmable.

Also if the sensor ever finally goes bad it's under $40 for a new one. Several of the offer units are using the much harder to find $200 sensor. (L1H1 IIRC)

No it's not a better sensor it is just 5 times the cost.

I've been running my LM-1 for well over a year now.
Posted By: Loco4G63 Re: Zeitronix Wideband o2 - 03/06/05 10:21 PM
Thanks for the link Sleeper.....I am all over that!
Posted By: Wildmatt CSVT Re: Zeitronix Wideband o2 - 03/06/05 10:25 PM
I actually OWN a zeithronix wideband setup. The replacement o2 sensor is about 40 bucks. I have not hooked it up yet, but it seems REALLY nice, and it can display EGT also for 12 bucks, the cost of an F type EGT probe.

It data logs as well, displaying EGT, Throttle Position, Boost/vacuum, and Exhaust O2 levels all vs RPM, so it is really sweet for tuning
Posted By: SleeperZ Re: Zeitronix Wideband o2 - 03/06/05 11:02 PM
Its been getting good reviews on FocalJet as well.
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