Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Hello Everyone,

This is an E-mail I am sending out about the upcoming (planned) event for June. This is the Drag Day/Camping weekend event that the Tri-State SHO/SVT Club has been in the planning stages for a few months. We need to get more people involved.

Just in case you are wondering or haven't been told the dates for this event, it is June 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. I know Chris Smith of the Michigan Club has already confirmed that he is attending, but he also said he would spread the word with the Contour guys and his club.

We shouldn't have any problem coming up with 20 or more people. If we do get 20 people to commit our price will be $20 for each person. The more we bring the cheaper it gets for the individuals. With atleaset 20 people, that is a ton of time and you should not have a problem getting in as many runs as your heart contends.

As far as camping goes, we will have a cook out and all the other standard camping activities. The camp ground does have a lake on site, so if you want to, bring the poles.

If you are interested please send me a note at or go to and post a message in our club area.

We have reserved the track from 9 am till 1 pm Saturday. The camping site is 10 - 20 minutes away. Both are easily found off I69. You can find more information at I will also be sending final information and directions via email and all forums as the date draws closer.

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