Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: mbRentalEnvoy [/56k] FINALLY... my new rims!! - 10/31/03 07:05 PM
Icon W61 17" gunmetal from the ATL-SVT group buy.

First... what my car USED to look like...

Now... a shot of my new tint.

and the rims

Sorry the pictures suck... it had been rainy all week and my car was kinda dirty, and it was cold as hell when I took the pictures. These are just to get some reactions to what y'all think of the rims.

Now all i need to do is get my new stereo in, and fix that stupid sagging sideskirt!
Looks good man! What else do you have planned for it? Maybe remove the ding strips, a pair of pre-98 sail panels, painted front chrome oval or rear reflector?
Posted By: Klasse Act Re: [/56k] FINALLY... my new rims!! - 10/31/03 08:44 PM
The rims look great on the car, but whats up with that brown stuff on the calipers That is a "no-no", especially when adding new rims, especially new rims that show off the brakes that much. Also are the tailights and center reflector sprayed with Nightshade? If so, it looks great
Posted By: mbRentalEnvoy Re: [/56k] FINALLY... my new rims!! - 10/31/03 11:46 PM
Originally posted by The Striped SVT:
The rims look great on the car, but whats up with that brown stuff on the calipers

hmm... believe it or not, thats actually chevy red ceramic paint. My camera is a cheap piece of crap though, so it didn't turn out all that well.
Posted By: Bullet Re: [/56k] FINALLY... my new rims!! - 11/01/03 09:23 PM
Gotta love the lip
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