Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: akrump47 WTF? - 06/04/06 04:54 AM
Come home from the gym, eat dinner and get online to do some work ... I find this done to my car sometime between 10:30 and 11:30.

Of course my first thought when I see it is "oh - flour" - but the stuff isnt flour or sugar, its yellowish, with small reflective crystals in it, and has a salty taste to it ... WTF is this stuff?

When i opened the gas cap it felt loose ... and there was a slight powdery residue inside the fuel filler cap ... I'm wondering if I should tow the car up to a shop and have the tank flushed??

Whats weird is I have NO enemies or people I can think of that would do something like this ...

Posted By: Woodencross Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 04:57 AM

Originally posted by akrump47:
Of course my first thought when I see it is "oh - flour" - but the stuff isnt flour or sugar, its yellowish, with small reflective crystals in it, and has a salty taste to it ... WTF is this stuff?

And you don't know what it is, but you TASTED IT? EWWW!

Aside from that, tow that car and get the tank flushed. Who knows what they put in there...
Posted By: Pre98 Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:00 AM
Whatever it is it looks highly corrosive. Looks like your paint is done for, but I'm not there in person to be able to tell. It could just wash right off, pray it doesn't take clearcoat with it

Bastids. These things reactivate those dormant genes that trigger excessive violence.
Posted By: imurdaddytoo sport Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:00 AM
whatever it is i hope u washed it off fast so it doesnt do anything to the paint
Posted By: JasonJ Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:00 AM
it's a fire extinguisher. don't worry about any residue around the gas cap. it will be fine. that stuff goes everywhere. just go get a car wash and it will be fine. notice where it looks like the powder was sprayed on with a "jet-stream" type pattern? that's because it was shot of of the hose. i've seen this before. don't get the tank flushed. just wash it off.
Posted By: Pre98 Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:01 AM
Whew! Hey, if you know that for fact!

I'd still be pissed!
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:14 AM
LOL...I know what I'm doing next time im drunk!
Posted By: akrump47 Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:21 AM
Fire extinguisher?? How could you be sure?

Here's a few more pics:

Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:31 AM
Ihate to be a bandwagon whore, but having set offf a fire extinguishing inside and see ing who [censored] up I made things...well I agrreee.
Posted By: KerryKool Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:36 AM
That f-ing sucks. I'd definately try to find out who did it, so you can give them a whiping with words (I didn't say violence.)

Looks like a fire extinguisher spray pattern, but not totally sure. If you can blow it off with your breath, it shouldn't cause any damage to your paint. Hopefully it comes off easily.

I had a similar problem with the punkass kids in my old neighborhood. They would smash my mail box for no reason other than fun. That happend twice randomly. I dislike stupid people.
Posted By: MapOfTaziFoSho Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:38 AM
Originally posted by Kerry2Kool4U:
That f-ing sucks. I'd definately try to find out who did it, so you can give them a whiping with words (I didn't say violence.)

Looks like a fire extinguisher spray pattern, but not totally sure. If you can blow it off with your breath, it shouldn't cause any damage to your paint. Hopefully it comes off easily.

I had a similar problem with the punkass kids in my old neighborhood. They would smash my mail box for no reason other than fun. That happend twice randomly. I dislike stupid people.

Kids used to do that to my grandpa. He reinforced his box with concrete. They tried to smash it...prob hurt themselves...punks!
Posted By: KerryKool Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:47 AM
The first time it happend, they knocked the mail box down and split it in two. I suggested to get a concret box, but it rarely happend and the parents thought it wasn't necessary. The second time it happend they just dented the aluminum and we just popped it out.

Austin, do you have any stupid drop-outs that might find that funny anywhere near your house? It might of been some random vandalism that just happend to your car.
Posted By: akrump47 Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 05:59 AM
Well I do live right on the edge of dearborn so thats possible ... but if it really is a fire extinguisher then I think I know who did it actually ... I probably wont know until tomorrow.
Posted By: Augi Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 06:04 AM
1: call popos
2: wash car
3: when found, beat and leave in ditch
4:repeat steps 2 and 3 if desired

Def Fire ext, I work around them all of the time, I wouldn't taste it though, it may be a Halon ext which sucks all of the oxygen from where it is so the fire can't breath.
Posted By: teamSVTour Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 06:19 AM
The white stuff in the gas door looks a heck of a lot like sugar to me (hard to tell from the pic). It could just be a little of the fire extinguisher chemical. Either way I don't know if I'd take the chance driving it. Has it been "myth busted" if sugar in the gas tank actually damages a car? I'm sure it can't be good
Posted By: IRingTwyce Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 06:54 AM
Having had to use a fire extinguisher inside our shop, I concur that it looks like extinguisher residue. We had to hose down a police car we were lettering when an errant welding spark caught a blanket on fire. Burning blanket ended up on the hood of the police car, and the car was quickly sprayed with the extinguisher. It leaves a yellowish fine powder. Washes right off with no ill effects.
Posted By: Jeb Hoge_dup1 Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 03:19 PM
Originally posted by teamSVTour:
Has it been "myth busted" if sugar in the gas tank actually damages a car?

I'm 95% positive that that one got busted.
Posted By: SVT SNOB Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 04:13 PM
That sucks, keep us updated.

Posted By: Pre98 Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 07:09 PM
The other thing to notice too is that salt puts out fires, so the texture and taste sort of reinforce that idea as well. Hey I'm just speaking out my asz but chemically it's true
Posted By: 111R Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 08:02 PM
Originally posted by akrump47:
and has a salty taste to it ... WTF is this stuff?

i always wanted to know what that fire extinguisher stuff tasted like
Posted By: Buddy Palumbo Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 11:07 PM
I would certainly be peeved if someone did that to MY ride , weather it cleans up OK or not !! Hopefully no ill-effects come out of it ... on YOUR end , of course . Now go whoop some arse !
Posted By: Y2KGreenSE Re: WTF? - 06/04/06 11:08 PM
It's pure vandalism [in fact a minor act of terror] but not against you, but the car. Probably hates Fords, or modded cars, or just likes ot ruin nice cars.
Posted By: hrsepwrdrms Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 12:13 AM

That looks crazy!!!
Posted By: Pienstars Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 01:33 AM

Posted By: PurpleMystique Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:

I'm 95% positive that that one got busted.

Yeah, I think that was the one where they tested all kinds of car myths on this donated car. They tried shooting it to see if it would explode like in the movies. I think that was the same one...
Posted By: akrump47 Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 03:46 AM
LOL @ Pienstars

I finally got that crap cleaned off the car. Took forever - it was in the window seals, the weather stripping, door latches, etc. Cleaning stuff caked between the window and the seal was real fun. Its not perfect but the car looks normal now.

Still don't know who did it ...
Posted By: Pope Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 04:20 AM
maybe some was driving buy and thought your car was on fire and did you a favor.... gee everyone always assuming the worse of people.
Posted By: BlackE1 Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Pope:
maybe some was driving buy and thought your car was on fire and did you a favor.... gee everyone always assuming the worse of people.

Thats funny
Posted By: jtour Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 12:52 PM
Sorry to see that. I simply can not understand how people can do that to other peoples items. I hope everything turns out okay.

Posted By: JeSiZZle Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 01:36 PM
its a fire extinguisher. shouldnt damage the the clearcoat on your car. and yes fellas, the only thing sugar will do to a gas tank is clog it up a bit. its nearly impossible for it to make it to the engine.
Posted By: Ex-Mean'Tour Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 01:47 PM
Wow, people do suck sometimes. As has been said, it is probably just some punka@# teeny-boppers out looking for some fun.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

I have been riding my bicycle to work a lot recently (2-3 times a week) on back roads (I-495 might be quicker, but I can't quite keep the 45 mph minimum). I am surprised and sickened by how many mailboxes are dented, trashed or just missing.

Darn MTV generation. Jackass. No respect for other people and their possessions.

On a different note, your car (minus the powder) looks nice. Are those TSW Revo wheels? If so, there are now 2 Silver Frost SVT's with TSW Revo wheels. When my car died and was sold, my little bro-in-law got my 16" TSW Revo's and just recently put them on his new 1998 Silver Frost SVT. cannondalemtb is his screen name, I think. Funny.
Posted By: akrump47 Re: WTF? - 06/05/06 03:29 PM
Yes those are 17" Revos. Here I was thinking I was the only one with those rims. Oh well I'll post some cleaned up pics later on. She's about to hit the big 120 K.

On a side note, I was just thinking - wouldnt the fuel filter catch any particulate that was in the gas tank? (sugar, sand, powder, etc.)
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