Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
saw this on telegraph today on the way into work. had manufacturer plates on it.... from jersey. lol.

now all they have to do is get the GTI over here.

Should have put in in your pocket. That's a small model for shizzle.
Almost looks like a Ka from trom the front.
Did the man driving it look like this?

i thought your dad drove a truck?
French cars are pretty nice. Personally I'd love a Renault Clio V6 Sport.
Originally posted by SILFROSvT98:
French cars are pretty nice. Personally I'd love a Renault Clio V6 Sport.

amen to that!

V6 Mid engined RWD Glory!
Plus they look pretty bad-ass

Originally posted by SILFROSvT98:
Plus they look pretty bad-ass

yeah and the ones i,ve had/known fall apart
My fav:

See them everyday, not much to look at.

Strange, never seen many French cars in the US, nice find.
Originally posted by Wien_Sean:
See them everyday, not much to look at.

Strange, never seen many French cars in the US, nice find.


In the 80's Renault inmported the Le Car, and it was Le Failure. It gave American car buyers a bad taste for Renault, even though Renault makes a far better product now.

Puegeot, Fiat and other Euro manufacturers have all had a very rough time selling cars here in the past. The only ones that have sucessful at all are VW, BMW, Mercedes and Audi. Audi was touch and go for many years.

I would love it if they would import the Clio Sport, but that is unlikely to happen. Most Euro manufacturers don't want to redisign the bumpers to meet our funky requirements. Ford spent millions retooling the Mondy to bring the Contour here, and most don't want to repeat that at all.

From what I hear, Europe's front end safety regs tend to lean more towards pedestrian safety, not our stupid 5MPH bumper.

Edit - I forgot our favorite northerners, the Volvos and Saabs. Saabs is probably one of the most marginal Euro cars that has been sold in the US over the last 30 years. As for the English cars, Rollers really count?
I meant its strange he saw a French car in the US. I really wouldn't buy a French car here or there. We can just as easily get a BMW or Benz. A friend of mine has an Alfa 147 Diesel that it pretty nice, wouldn't mind having that.
It is strange considering the track record of Renault in the US.

enough said.
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