Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: weargle 3L in CP - 05/24/06 06:22 PM
I now remember why I got a Miata. I miss the torque of the Contour, especially now with 3L powah, but it's still not the most capable car out there. A buddy was nice enough to loan me his Grand American Cup Hoosier takeoffs, which put me from Street Mod into C Prepared, which was interesting from a pax standpoint. I was about five seconds off of the pace of the CSP guys that I usually run a half second behind. I almost spun once, then I remembered that I had FWD so I matted it and saved it.

I earned fastest time prepared, so it's nice to have one last trophy for the old girl that's officially retired from service.
Posted By: Auto-X Fil Re: 3L in CP - 05/26/06 01:59 PM
How did those tires end up working?
Posted By: weargle Re: 3L in CP - 05/26/06 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Auto-X Fil:
How did those tires end up working?

They were pretty crappy in the morning (think rollerskates on marbles on an ice rink) and bumping them down to 28psi in the afternoon made them more like heatcycled Azenis. They'd be great if I could get any heat into them, but there's no way to do that at an autocross. The slip angles were heinous. Turn in well before you need to, slide the car sideways and hope. The good thing about FWD (the one good thing) is that when the rear end starts to overrotate, a quick throttle modulation pulls it back in nicely. The way the Miata's set up, not so much. I just need to pull the rear bar in it.
Posted By: Auto-X Fil Re: 3L in CP - 05/26/06 05:47 PM
Originally posted by weargle:
think rollerskates on marbles on an ice rink

Ha! Have any plans to use them up, like OT?
Posted By: weargle Re: 3L in CP - 05/28/06 07:42 PM
They were on loan from a friend that tracks his Focus, so no.
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