Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: zerotact No lights - 07/15/04 12:13 AM
liscense plate light would not work. A mechanic suggested I simply jump the lights off a tail light lead...
Now... the left tail light, and liscence plate lights don't work..., remove liscense plate light wire, and left taillight still does not light. Check fuse - still good - replace fuse anyways... Still no tail light...
Any suggestions as to what I fried?
Posted By: FlynLow Re: No lights - 07/15/04 01:16 AM
most of the lights that I've worked on I start with these steps:
1)check Bulbs.
2)check Fuses.
3)check Grounds, they get dirty, rusty, and break the conection.
4)check power.

From there you are into a good old fasion electrical trouble shoot. Checking sockets, wires, rub points on the harness, ect. Start from the battery side of the problem, and chase the power back to the problem untill you don't have power any more, pin point the problem and replace accordingly.

Good luck.
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