Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: SVT power_dup1 Brakes surging - 04/14/04 12:35 PM
Alright, I am getting frustrated with my brakes b/c they pulsate similar to a warpeed rotor and when I come up to a light slowing down they surge as I come to a stop. I know it's not warped rotors b/c I ran them on my runout gauge and both the front ones pull less than .003 of variation and .006 is the max. I also know it's not the rear b/c it doesn't do it when I pull the e-brake. Is there anything else that could cause this? I am thinking ABS, I know it's not rapid like ABS would be but I think something is screwed with the ABS becuase it goes off way to easily.
Posted By: BeachBum_dup1 Re: Brakes surging - 04/14/04 08:22 PM
Define 'Surge'.
Posted By: trob_dup1 Re: Brakes surging - 04/15/04 01:46 AM
Do you want to try removing the rotors and sanding them with medium sandpaper? I have read that embedded lining material can cause that to happen.
Posted By: SVT power_dup1 Re: Brakes surging - 04/15/04 04:46 PM
Surging= Griping normal and then a quick sec of harder grip (jerking my head forward a little). You know now that you mentioned it, I do remember reading something about embeded ling material cuase surging. Thanks I will look into that.
Posted By: SVT power_dup1 Re: Brakes surging - 04/15/04 04:50 PM
This what you talking about?
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