Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: zaven Strange IMRC problem - 04/01/04 03:29 PM
OK i have a very bad habbit i like to tinker and somehow i allways manage to F*#K something up worse than it was before i started.I noticed that my secondaries where not really opening like they used to so like so many of us i thoght hey lets rip in to the problem and fix it.Well i fixed it allright now they dont open at all in fact the little damn electric motor is now hell bent on keeping them closed it just keeps spining and dosent stop !!.Has anyone had this problem and how do i fix it . Its going to drive me please o ya 98svt
Posted By: stepmar2 Re: Strange IMRC problem - 04/01/04 07:55 PM
Check the cable connection to the gears under the chip in the box. They could be frayed loose. If they are, then the little motor will continue to turn. If you are having problems with it constanly turning even below 3.5K RPM, then either the motor or electronics are to blame. If this is the case, try using some electronics cleaner for them both. No solved?.. Buy a new one..
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