Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: jlanger Power steering leak - 06/20/02 12:49 AM
Found out I'm leaking power steering fluid. Evidently the leaks are near the ps pump and the radiator. Any ideas as to the culprit? ie bad hose connections? Also after searching I discovered that the ps requires ATX fluid? I've put ps fluid the past couple of years with no hassle, could this be the cause of the leak?
Posted By: horseydug Re: Power steering leak - 06/20/02 12:55 AM
Possible stone damage to cooling pipe?
Posted By: dwh Re: Power steering leak - 06/20/02 01:04 PM
Power steering fluid and atx fluid are basically the same thing. You just pay alot more for that little tiny bottle of power steering fluid. But some people don't like having a half-full bottle of fluid in their car stuff I guess.
Posted By: contourcrazy Re: Power steering leak - 06/20/02 01:38 PM
I have a '95 SE and i found that my power steering hose was being sliced by a bracket off of the firewall on the passenger side. Simple fix to the problem though. There is a bolt going through the bracket that needs to be turned the opposite direction. The threaded portion of the bolt was digging into the hose when it would flex due to the pressures inside the hose. Hope this can help. Have you seen the dispensed fluids?
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