Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: engineimporters clutch installation aftermath - 08/24/02 09:28 PM
hi, I installed a clutch in a 98 contour SVT and now I am having a problem, when the car comes to idle ONLY WHEN THE CLUTCH IS DISENGAGED(OUT) the tranny makes a rythmic slapping noise. Is this common or has anyone ran in to this before? Please don't tell me I have to take the trans out again! Thanks for the help!oh yeah, when you rev the motor the noise seems to stop, but I am not sure if the motor just is louder than then noise or what! Thanks again

Ryan Wasmund
Posted By: Terry Haines_dup1 Re: clutch installation aftermath - 08/24/02 10:30 PM
The MTX75 has a lot of 'gear rollover' noise,if you fitted a clutch disc with a 'solid' Vs 'torsion sprung' hub it will make it worse...normal...
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