Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Loco4G63 Here is the "DEAL" with the National Meet - 07/17/03 06:15 PM
Well it is over "kind of" Well I just released the space for the rooms/banquet. Now anybody that still plans on coming AND OR is registered already there will still be a lot of activities. So if you you plan on coming send the $50 (won't go up in price) and any left over money will be refunded to you at the time of the meet. It won't be as "formal" as it was going to be but it will be a great time. Anybody that isn't coming and is already registered will be refunded their money...send me a PM/E-mail.

I will talk to a few cheaper hotels (about $60-$70 a night)for people that don't have places to stay. I will post that info later tonight.

Right now we are deciding/discussing on "banquet" options. Like I said it won't be as formal, but it will be a great time.

Dyno is still on/so is the track. So if you want to dyno, let us know.

Anybody that booked their rooms already....cancel them please.

It still promises to be a good time.

Couple of questions; sorry if I'm being a moron.

1.) Do we have to release the rooms because of the group blocking? I'll still stay at the Embassy if possible, although there are a few other people I might have to answer to on that. I'm not familiar with that area (or Chicago in general) so having everyone at different hotels and picking places to convene will suck at best. If I have to rebook just to take care of the blocking issue, that's fine, but I'm a wuss and don't want to have to find our events on my own, plus I think it will look badass if we convoy everywhere.

2.) Are the nametags, t-shirts, etc. still happening? If so, then I propose that the national meet is still "official." In fact, I propose that the word "official" in this context is subjective and it doesn't matter what we want to call our meet. "Official" isn't a banquet or a t-shirt, its a state of mind. Then again, some people think I'm crazy, so maybe my state of mind doesn't apply here
I just want a shirt/nametag just to feel like a badass...
I'll reply to both:

Extended Stay America
550 W. Grand Ave.
Elmhurst, IL

Queen Studio rooms (kitchenette): 2 people--$64 a night
Double Beds Studio rooms: 4 people--$69 a night
**price doesn't include 10% tax.

Phone number: (630) 530-4353

Hector mentioned to me about having people stay in one place if possible. He also asked me to pass along the prices for the nights. These people were really great when I booked my room. Also, if you aren't going to pay by credit card, then you don't have to put down a deposit. This hotel has a kitchenette/fridge in all rooms--so a nice place to keep your beer.

I would recommend cancelling the rooms at the Embassy and book them at the Extended Stay. Heather will be there, I will be there and it is a lot cheaper. 4 guys to a room at that price isn't nothing.

With the t shirts I have no idea...but we will be working on these in the upcoming week.

So who's coming?
I am following hetfeild - so make your move man! I think that we will stay where heather is too - Like he said, it would look bad ass if we all convoyed around with eachother! AND this IS still official, it is just at a new rally point - The NM is now re-instated as "official" - don't let anyone ruin our good time! - JOE
Originally posted by blu_fuz:
I am following hetfeild - so make your move man! I think that we will stay where heather is too - Like he said, it would look bad ass if we all convoyed around with eachother! AND this IS still official, it is just at a new rally point - The NM is now re-instated as "official" - don't let anyone ruin our good time! - JOE

I think we need to rename it "Midwest something-or-other"
Originally posted by LoCoZ2:
I think we need to rename it "Midwest something-or-other"

Hmmm. I think that will fit on a t-shirt.
I'ma gunna go! I's dun got time offa muh jobs, an I kin be dere!
Posted By: R_G Re: Here is the "DEAL" with the National Meet - 07/19/03 05:56 PM
Originally posted by LoCoChick:
Elmhurst, IL

I would have def come if it were in Elmhurst, Queens
some one betta bring a dig cam and post pics ASAP~!
The meet is not dead...just going to be smaller in scale. Keep on registering.
I can only do evening events and/or Sat afternoon. I couldn't swing $50-60 for a banquet dinner and I already did a dyno-pull once. I can afford up to $25 to spend. A CEG car show and Sat afternoon picnic would be great.
Originally posted by izzodesh:
some one betta bring a dig cam and post pics ASAP~!

Yeah, fo realz. Some body best help me whore muh bling bling, woot woot!
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Originally posted by izzodesh:
some one betta bring a dig cam and post pics ASAP~!

Yeah, fo realz. Some body best help me whore muh bling bling, woot woot!

Do you guys know anyone thats going to the National meet with a digital camera and loves to take lots of pictures?

Don't worry guys, I'll have my camera, and for all that know me personally, you know I'll be taking lots of pictures!

Same here... I do film, but everyone who knows me knows I'm shutter crazy...
Originally posted by bk4293:
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
Originally posted by izzodesh:
some one betta bring a dig cam and post pics ASAP~!

Yeah, fo realz. Some body best help me whore muh bling bling, woot woot!

Do you guys know anyone thats going to the National meet with a digital camera and loves to take lots of pictures?

Don't worry guys, I'll have my camera, and for all that know me personally, you know I'll be taking lots of pictures!

Steve's gonna come!??!! And bring his camera!?!?! AND take pictures!?!?!?! Will wonders ever cease...
I gotta dig camera... sony 2.0 mega pix (ok) - 64mb - We can take hella pics... - JOE
Note to self....get rid of dialup before NM.
I'm sorry but I really don't know anything about this. When is it and what all is planned. I see stuff for dyno and maybe a track. Dinner too. Anything else?

I might be able to do it now that I'm getting an 850 dollar pay raise..... yea I'm da shizat! I'm also married.... still da shizat... when she lets me.
Originally posted by Obsidian:
I'm sorry but I really don't know anything about this. When is it and what all is planned. I see stuff for dyno and maybe a track. Dinner too. Anything else?

I might be able to do it now that I'm getting an 850 dollar pay raise..... yea I'm da shizat! I'm also married.... still da shizat... when she lets me.

Your a couple months late..
yep ya are...
Originally posted by blu_fuz:
yep ya are...

Damn....people read way back!!!
Didn't you read the DATES listed????
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