Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Perry has volunteered to spearhead the fundraising effort. If we can raise $2500, it will get us 13 months of hosting at Andy W's house. Even if that doesn't work out, we'll have money for a co-located server somewhere.

The site is now in YOUR hands. Saving it is up to you.

I'll have Perry post details on where to send money. Paypal is very much preferred.


edit by perry: Here are a couple links for Paypal:

$15 Donation

Other Amounts

If you won't want to use Paypal, email me at for my snail mail address. Paypal just makes life much simpler for us. Try to put Contour in the subject line so I can filter things in my email client.

When you send the payment (Paypal, check, cash, whatever), try and include your username on the forums. If you're sending a check or money order, please make it payable to me.

As of 25 July 02 18:15 Central, we're at $565.91.
As of 25 July 02 19:00 Central, we're at $908.20.
As of 25 July 02 21:00 Central, we're at $1318.78. Over half-way!!!
As of 25 July 02 21:30 Central, we're at $1500.92 -- wow!
As of 25 July 02 22:00 Central, we're at $1606.21.
As of 26 July 02 06:30 Central, we're at $2325.60!!!!!
As of 26 July 02 12:31 Central, we're at $3105.74.
As of 26 July 02 16:30 Central, we're at $3400.82.
As of 26 July 02 19:50 Central, we're at $3577.11.
As of 27 July 02 00:00 Central, we're at $3687.16.
As of 27 July 02 12:00 Central, we're at $3927.18.
As of 27 July 02 20:15 Central, we're at $3988.47.
As of 27 July 02 00:00 Central, we're at $4031.41.
As of 28 July 02 22:00 Central, we're at $4074.04.
As of 29 July 02 19:00 Central, we're at $4265.64.
As of 30 July 02 17:00 Central, we're at $4358.42.
As of 01 Aug 02 16:30 Central, we're at $4566.53.

I will support this wholeheartedly. I will sign up for paypal tonight.

Lets see how many people we can get together and try to even things out. I'm willing to contribute $50 right now.

Lance, thank you for all of your hard work on this site and for giving us all the chance to keep it going.


Edit: As I stated above, I donated $50.00, thanks Perry for setting up the paypal. laugh
Nice, Thank you Lance.....
Perry!!!! Hurry Up, Hurry Up, HURRY UP!!! :p

Edit: Mines in.
but i cant do paypal frown
Hell yeah! I'll give all I can! Finally some good news!
Originally posted by gdub520:
but i cant do paypal frown
That's ok, we'll deal with cash/check if we have to. But Paypal works much better for this sort of thing.

Originally posted by gdub520:
but i cant do paypal frown
I really prefer Paypal if you can find a way to do it. Makes things much simpler for me. Money never touches my bank account, don't have to worry about it getting lost in the paperwork shuffle anywhere.

If you don't want to send Paypal, send me an email at and I'll give you my snail mail address. Try to put Contour someplace in the subject line so I can filter messages in my email client.
I can't do paypal either, being I'm like 16 here, but if Perry would hurry it up, and give me an addy to send the check to, count me in.

Ok, my bad, I know see the e-mail him for the snail mail. E-mailing as I type....


Originally posted by car novice:


Email Perry for his address (see top post)

Thanks Lance, Andy, Perry and everyone who contributes to save CEG. Its to young to die!
C'mmon every one support the "Save Ferris fund" ooops.....I mean the save the CEG fund. laugh wink
donation made!
lets do this! laugh laugh
Just sent some pocket change...


The way everyone responded last night and today, we should hit our mark by tonight. We'll see.
Done. Dead Presidents on the way...

Let us know when we hit the mark, or how short we are later tonight. I'll glady supply more funding if need be, though I don't want to pour water in a pitcher that's overflowing...
Too bad we did not do this yesterday! 250 x $15.00 min... Wow, that would have done it... Hopefully more people will realize that this is not the end.

Too many pesimists here.... :p


Please post a link to this thread in every forum. Go ahead and delete crap we don't need at this time of despair. We need to get the word out! Posting this link in every forum would surely bring more attention...
you guys rock, everyone better live up to there talk and words.... shot over $20. wish I could give more but no job right now. Hope this works out!
CobraR and I have paypalled our donation.
This is my mouth and this is my money...long live CEG!

cash sent..

Page 2 ...Own3ed with a capital 3!! (again)
gave a donation!!

me and rachel gave!!!
Done deal! Thanks for giving us a chance to save our beloved site!
You Have Money laugh
Originally posted by OhSigmaChi:
You Have Money laugh
I have lots of money! $441.20 after PayPal fees, as of right now. I'm burning up my keyboard updating the spreadsheet!
We are gonna get this done people! This is with only about 15/20 of us donating! By midnight, we should have more than $3000 at this tremendous pace. This is unbelievable!!

Yeah, lets see other clubs show this much loyalty... wink
Done...CEG will live!!!! laugh
just sent mine...come on everybody let's do this... laugh
I'll be donating tomorrow after my paycheck clears (It gets direct deposited at midnight tonight) and I balance my checkbook. I don't want to Paypal now and risk bouncing a check. :p

You'll get your donation from me, don't doubt it!
Money sent via Paypal. Thanks again, Perry.

Originally posted by Rynn:
I'll be donating tomorrow after my paycheck clears (It gets direct deposited at midnight tonight) and I balance my checkbook. I don't want to Paypal now and risk bouncing a check. :p

You'll get your donation from me, don't doubt it!
I know the feeling, but your not alone, I'll drop in some cash-money tomorrow night! laugh

Long live CEG!!!
Money sent, thank you Perry for getting this put together!

Glad to see we can all come together when it's most needed.

Guys, please try to keep this thread visible at all times! A cool will do the trick!
I need address for check,,,paypal is a mess for me,,,or i will hide a 20 in a magazine and send it!
Donated...thanks guys.
Dropped a little more then the 15 on ya :p
Payment Information

A payment of $100.00 has been sent to
You will receive an email receipt for this transaction shortly.
For details on your transaction, please contact

Hope it helps!
Money sent
What happens if we donate money and then the site can not be saved aka the amount required was not met. And also what happens once thos funds run dry? Will there be more donations? How long should this money last?
Just concerned is all
Come on people!!! laugh That's the spirit wink

(Just trying to keep the topic up top)
Why doesn't the stupid link in my sig work? mad
Originally posted by Contour Concepts:
What happens if we donate money and then the site can not be saved aka the amount required was not met. And also what happens once thos funds run dry? Will there be more donations? How long should this money last?
Just concerned is all
Perry said we had $441.xx, plus $100 from someone, and the topic is two hours old. Once the people on the west coast get home from work and everyone else gets around to the site, there should be no problem getting up to $2500.
Put my 2000 cents in. Thanks Lance for letting us help you! Thanks Perry for volunteering to do all this work! If you do burn up your keyboard, they're only $9.00 out here! Keep the money coming guys. It's going to a really good cause.
WooHOOO, glad to see all this support from all ya all. Soon as I get the address, check is in the mail......

Edit: I missed getting to have this page Own3ed by me by 1 post, better luck next time I guess....
I fixed the the glitch! Now all forums will get the message!! Just doin' all I can guys!
I have to wait till payday. frown I will donate though. smile
Thank you perry and Andy W for takeing this on. Im not bragging but i just donated $120. I feel i can spare 10bucks a month. besides i love this site. smile
Originally posted by Contour Concepts:
What happens if we donate money and then the site can not be saved aka the amount required was not met. And also what happens once thos funds run dry? Will there be more donations? How long should this money last?
Just concerned is all
If we don't collect enough we will look for other options.

We are raising enough to cover dsl for a year. Andy has to sign a year contract and we won't make him do that until we can guarantee we have the funds to cover payment for a year. A month or so before the year is up we will do another donation drive to raise money for another year of dsl.
Im finalizing my Paypal account- ill have ya some money Hopefully tomorrow

PS how about a link from the front page? and one on top of the forums?
Originally posted by Outback Gal:
Originally posted by Contour Concepts:
[b]What happens if we donate money and then the site can not be saved aka the amount required was not met. And also what happens once thos funds run dry? Will there be more donations? How long should this money last?
Just concerned is all
If we don't collect enough we will look for other options.

We are raising enough to cover dsl for a year. Andy has to sign a year contract and we won't make him do that until we can guarantee we have the funds to cover payment for a year. A month or so before the year is up we will do another donation drive to raise money for another year of dsl.[/b]
I don't mind shelling out $15 (or more if I can afford at the time) for this site to remain open. It's only fair.
Lance and Perry,

I donated when Lance was asking for 'small' donations.
I've also sent you guys another $20.00.
Please make good use of this and let me know if there is anything else
I can do for either of you and for
as soon as I get homee from school tonight I will be making my donation

Come on people lets make this happen smile

DONE smile
ok, i gave $15
lets save this awsome website!
just sent mine via paypal.let's do it!!! laugh
Just got done posting in every branch on here! The word is out guys! cool
My fingers and my brain are hurting from all the typing...

BTW, thanx to everyone who donated!

To those who may be thinking about donating, but not sure if they will: Just think how much money you saved thanks to this place... A little something will never hurt! Come on guys/gals, time is running out!
Donation sent.
I'm about to transfer some loot to my paypal and donate accordingly.

Just the information alone on this website makes it priceless. The fee is well worth it.
Donation sent via paypal, the heart of the people on makes me speechless, you guys are awesome!!!!

Eric :p
You got my $15, its all I can afford right now frown
We just broke $1000!
Props to those of you who are just barely at the bottom of the barrel with moths in your wallets for also donating.
I've seen nearly 3 NE-CEGers already who are strapped for cash and are donating just despite that.
That's love, that's devotion, THESE ARE CEGers.
just letting ya know that kimmy 'preciates ya
smile (and loves ya)
donation made
I'm in...
Great job everyone! My check is in the mail. I wouldnt even think twice about donating. Big props to the boys who donated triple digits! laugh eek laugh

IMO everyone should donate to get the account high enough for maybe even 2 years of DSL(or possibly even a better alternative?)? Think about it...all these yrs people have donated when they didnt have least we can help keep CEG alive for future members! We can be the grandparents smile
The only thing bad about all the donations is that people will think they have a say in the site's content. When topics are locked or deleted, people will say "well when I donated my money I didn't expect my topic to be deleted...". So some ground rules will need to be established.
Originally posted by Davo7SVT:
The only thing bad about all the donations is that people will think they have a say in the site's content. When topics are locked or deleted, people will say "well when I donated my money I didn't expect my topic to be deleted...". So some ground rules will need to be established.
Well, people donated last year when we needed to buy a server and we haven't had any such troubles, yet.
I hope that doesn't happen. That would be a really stupid thing to say. This isn't stock in a company, just a friendly donation to keep a good thing going. I hope everyone realizes that.
Originally posted by Davo7SVT:
The only thing bad about all the donations is that people will think they have a say in the site's content. When topics are locked or deleted, people will say "well when I donated my money I didn't expect my topic to be deleted...". So some ground rules will need to be established.
You said it. I'd like to see the ground rules laid out, very clearly, before we get going again so people don't get all pissed over their threads. Can a post be made "sticky" so that it's right at the top of the page all the time sith the rules/terms & conditions??

I don't want perry/Andy W etc to go thru what Lance has.

I just hope the plug dosent get pulled before everyone Sees this.
Just did it...
I will talk to my boss tomorrow about a co-location for $35/month ... would you be interested????
$$ sent...all to happy to help. smile
getting ready to send my $ .. how long is this going to stay up?
my money has been sent too. smile i am a happy CEGer.
I'm in. Money sent. Thank you!
Out of work, but what the hell. I'm down with it. cool

Jim Harris
98.5 E1
87,868 miles
i just sent $ too... not much, all i can afford right now laugh
My donation is in the mail, happy to help, It can be done
Paypal'd you some loot Perry..

Thanks for doing this!!!! smile
Money sent.
I sent in a little bit of money right now if we need more later I should be able to send some more then.

Just sent one laugh CEG for ever!!!
Thanks for all the work that you guys are doing. wink
Impressive that we're halfway in 3 money is on the way. I think this is a real showing of how important this site is to many people.

As far as comments about, "I payed my money, don't lock my topic" and all that crap, I could care less. I'll just be happy to have the site around to keep in touch with everyone and come for information.
I sent my money through PayPal. Lets hope we can get enough!

I will give as soon as I can work all the finances out! Hopefully it will be soon!!!!!

Got some loose ends that I have to tie up first!

LANCE!!!!! You Rock!

Make sure you guys continue to thank him and Perry for the work being done. You guys have just found out just what it takes to make a business such as this work!

I am going to try to figure out a way to make this donation and then figure in something like a 6 mos donation thing.

PLEASE KEEP THIS GOING! I want to put CEG stickers on my car and NOT CEG RIP!

Like someone said earlier, the information on this site is priceless. This forum and website are AWESOME.

One thing I would challenge all of you to do is check out ALL of the site not just the forums.

Read Lance's announcement note. See that there are more questions answered in various locations other than the forums. One of my fav pages is the Saleen contour concept. Forums aside, what is your favorite page on CEG?

You guys, ALL OF YOU, Rock! Be sure to let the hard work that has been put into this site live on!

Done! laugh
TTT and I put in $25. I will put in another $25 to make sure the Ford Service Reps don't know more than I do (cause I wouldn't be able to live with myself). I will put in another $25 if we get close or break $2500.
Thank you!

The information and access to people directly concerned with and knowledgeable about our cars is PRICELESS!

Knowing this, I feel lucky that my price was $100!

The concern raised about "I gave so why was my post locked...etc." is pointless and immaterial. I paid my money for my local newspaper, yet they never seem to want to print my ranting, off-color letters to the editor. Editorial control is essential to any public forum or information disseminator.

Thank you again!
Originally posted by Mike Keitz:

The concern raised about "I gave so why was my post locked...etc." is pointless and immaterial. I paid my money for my local newspaper, yet they never seem to want to print my ranting, off-color letters to the editor. Editorial control is essential to any public forum or information disseminator.
Are you saying my concern is pointless and immaterial, or that people would actually say that is? Trust me, there will be people that say that sort of thing.

And as for the newspaper -- you're right, I pay for it, and I never see anything I want to see in there.
almost there!! laugh
My $25 is in... I want NO SAY SO in how the site is ran. !

Please keep up the good work! THX!
this is so encouraging to see, I am in such a great mood seeing this!!!!
just sent my donation.

the forums are the heart of the site in my opinion. even though some of the info is rehashed, i always p/u something cuz someone else may word it differently. while i do enjoy the offtopic stuff, the contour content is key. i can honestly say i'd be lost without the site and everything i've gotten out of it.

please, please, please dont shut the site down.

lance, i truly believe you have bad apples that spoil the whole bunch. please disregard them.
i sent my contribution yesterday. ready to send more if needed...
Let my check post on Saterday and I'll put in $25. and CEG is the best site ever!!!!!!!!!!!
I think everyone is going to have a different attitude on this site, realizing just how close we came to losing it. I'm confident that it will not go away...we're getting the money together fast.

Thanks a million to Andy and Perry for organizing this so we can keep the site alive!!!
Hell, this is worth WAY more than a months bill of cable. Done!

Long Live CEG!!!
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez don't let us down!

I'm sending my PayPal contribution "tout de suite"!!
I knew we had it in us smile Not much more to go, and we've still got people who want to send checks in as well!

Once the AM rolls around and I get my pay stub, I'll send my donation via Paypal!!
We're at $1757.04 right now. I'm off to sleep. Keep the money a comin! You guys are great!
long live animal farm...oh wait :p laugh
Donation on the way! (Snail mail, but on the way none the less. laugh ) I know we can do it. wink
Only $15 from me but it is all I could really afford.
Way to go everyone. It doesn't matter what you donate...if everyone gives a little, it makes a lot!

=) Christy
Consider it done. I am giving the cash to SVT ST PETE who will forward it on via paypal. cool
I put in my $15. I hope CEG pulls through.
By God, this is THE most awesome effort I have seen online, what a show of spirit and community!

I am dead ass broke at the moment, had all the routine service done on the Bravada I bought Monday.

I just got home from a long day at work. And I AM PUMPED!

Thank you all so much! Lance, Perry, Christy, you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!

$20 closer.

Pay Pal on the way!!
I just got on the net after working on the car. I think I fixed a nagging problem I had after getting a little advice from Lance himself last night. At the very least, I know what might need replacing. Once again CEG comes to my rescue.

However, Paypal and I have a history. I'll be sending a $20 check to Perry tomorrow. Consider it your tax money at work (unemployment compensation). wink
I'm in for $50, gotta love paypal. Thanks guys for organizing this. If you end up needing more, I might be able to scape up a few more bucks. Keep us posted
I heard about the possible downfall earlier on NECO. Glad to hear donations are being taken to keep the Duratec Guru's alive! I need you guys to help me make my Cougar the ultimate performance machine!

Put in my donation a few minutes ago...

WOO HOO! My donation is in...I love this site!! By the way, we're still gonna have some downtime while the server gets moved, right? How long, about 3 weeks? And will we get any notice before this site goes kaput for a while?
now where are we money wise
Originally posted by codeo:
now where are we
perry went to bed.
check back here tomorrow
if there is no "here" tomorrow, check here:
money will be there as soon as i remember the paypal password...


page 6 ow3nd !!!!!!!!!!
I tryed to donate but it says that either my state or city or zip is invalid. state:IN city:St.meinrad zip:47577 . What gives?
Done Thanks Lance. smile
Originally posted by Dustyn:
I tryed to donate but it says that either my state or city or zip is invalid. state:IN city:St.meinrad zip:47577 . What gives?
I've never seen that error before.
do you have the "ship to address" box checked?
uncheck that box and check the box below it that says "shipping address does not apply"
(something along those lines).
I don't even see that option. mad
"the rumors of my demise have been greatly exagerated"

long live the ceg! smile
Originally posted by mikey boy:
"the rumors of my demise has been greatly exagerated"

long live the ceg! smile
Superman...I mean mikey boy is back in the building. laugh
I put in $5...I'll try to do more when I get my paycheck tomorrow!
mine's in. wow, we're almost there...

Originally posted by MarkO:
Can a post be made "sticky" so that it's right at the top of the page all the time sith the rules/terms & conditions??
if this can be done we can save a lot on a lot of rehashing. Put the common questions of each section as a sticky. It's faster and more direct access.
Done smile
Just donated! I can't say how many times i have used this site as a resource!! Hope we can keep it alive.....

Donated. Thanks!

This site gets my $50... let me know if you need more.
I'm excited to see where we are at. Too bad I have to wait until morning. Keep it coming people!
Done. Thank you people.
All I can say is wow....I'm sitting here at work trying to choke back the tears of joy.....I am certain that no other car club in the world could raise the funds we have in such a short amount of time.....Corvettee clubs, Mustang clubs, Import clubs ain't got nothin on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did my 1% wink

oh man we have to be SOO close
what happens if we go over? where does that money go? Probably to get it for another 13 months?
Long Live CEG !!!! check is in the mail....
We're at $2325 right now in my PayPal account, and $45 in uncleaered "e-checks" that aren't added to the total yet. With the donations that are coming by snail mail, we should have $2500. A little more wouldn't hurt, to help cover shipping costs for the server and any upgrades that need to be done to the server. After costs are covered, I'll probably put the money in Paypal's Money Market account and save it for next year / unexpected expenses.

I won't update my spreadsheet until after work, but I judging by the amount of emails in my inbox, I think we have 100 donations.

I'll try to run home at lunch and post an updated amount...
I love you Perry..... J/K... That would make me gay wouldn't it??? Thanks to all you guys who have contributed already... I am getting paid today and will be paypaling some money also... This truly shows how loyal we all are to this site... Thanks to Lance for allowing us the oportunity he has given us to save this site... Times like these is when I am proud to know you all... laugh
$2325 + $45 uncleared + the $15 I just sent = Wooooooooooooooot!!!! $115 to go. Should be no problamo.
Originally posted by todras:
$2325 + $45 uncleared + the $15 I just sent = Wooooooooooooooot!!!!
+ The $15 I just Sent: CEG ALIVE !! laugh laugh laugh
Hey Perry... I thought i would receive an email confirming transaction. I haven't got that yet... Please let me know if you got my donation:

I am not a paypal user.. I just used once to buy Todra's CD... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

BBorges, I'm not seeing a donation from you.
you should have 50 from me....
man I'm glad I checked the site this morning laugh
my only request is to put the extra into an interest bearing checking account for future use on the site.

nice job, folks!
What is that? $2500 in 12 hours! Ok we officially kick arse! We should work on Cancer & Aids next. Ok that might be a little far.
Donated! Thanks to everyone working so hard to keep this site going! smile smile Without this site around, I don't know what I'd do all day at work!!

These donations are such a small price to pay for all of the expertise and sense of good community here.

Long live the CEG!!
just donated my $15 bucks

long live CEG

long live the contour

currently recreated in Jaguar form here in the states smile
Are we there yet or what confused wink laugh cool smile
I donated just now. Wasn't much but I hope it helps!!!
wish I had a snailmail address. Paypal is one service I've heard way too many horror stories about...anyway, sure was glad to see it up and running again today. Hope it can stay that way! If you can email/post a snailmail address, count me in, I certainly appreciate all your efforts on behalf of 'tour owners so far.
Originally posted by CobraR:
All I can say is wow....I'm sitting here at work trying to choke back the tears of joy.....I am certain that no other car club in the world could raise the funds we have in such a short amount of time.....Corvettee clubs, Mustang clubs, Import clubs ain't got nothin on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Helll yeah man i am in shock that everyone came out and did there part. Just goes to show you what kinda car club the CEG is.
Next: How about donations for a CEG GT40?
Just paid by Paypal.

Keep it going...
IMUA CEG IMUA Kane e Wahines, Mula e Imua!!!! cool English: Forward CEG, Forward...Men and Women, forward the Money!!!

Paypal'd, Done...
Once I get Paid, i will defentally donate!!!
Originally posted by Mr. Bill:
Just paid by Paypal.

Keep it going...
Even Mr. Bill has donated. How did the Pringles commercials pan out? Ooooo Noooooooo. laugh
I just e-mailed you Lance. Need to have an address to mail the check to. I'll overnight it.
Wow, I was nervous that when I got to work this morning this site would be gone. Then I saw we are almost at our goal! I hope my donation put us a little bit closer.

To all of you who have just signed up for paypal, be warned, it's like a two week process to get it all set up. I found that out the hard way.
eek OMG!!! We have over $2600.00 so far, and still counting. We even had people from other forums donate (the NECO site to be specific). Just goes to show how much this site means to people. Long live the CEG.

BTW: Can i still get a CEG sticker from anywhere?
Done. a small price to pay for the incredible value of this site. Keep it up! laugh

Whatever extra money we raise now we won't have to raise for next year!

Man, you guys and gals are great!!! If I hadn't slightly overextended myself getting these indiglos going for BNM, I'd have given my share this time around just as I have every time in the past. If the donation links are kept open this time, I'll be sure to donate as funds allow. This just makes me sooooo happy to see people on this site so willing to give to keep the group together... laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Just sent my $15- I'm happy to be able to do something for a group that has helped me!!
HEY! I've got an idea! On PBS, whenever they have their pledge drives, they give stuff away according to how much you donate. We should give a CEG sticker or a key chain to everyone that donates above a certain point. Maybe some other prizes, too; like getting to punch your favorite moderator in the face if you donate a grand. Granted we would have to collect more money to cover the expenses, but I think it would motivate more people to donate more money.

I'm not speaking for John Miks; who sells the stickers or Chris Hightower; who sells the keychains. I'm just throwing my ideas around, although I stole them from PBS.

BTW-I in no way condone punching the moderators in their faces, but if it will raise 1000 bucks per shot, it's for a good cause. wink :p
I don't THINK that I should HAVE to TTT, as this should be the most important post on everyone's minds.. but... I would like to say a special thanks to the guys at NECO, and everywhere else, that decided to contribute to us as well.. That takes as the most loyal "CEG" group, and places us in a very "close" group with everyone. I love this..

If someone donates $1000, I'll let them punch me in the face too.

(it actually might be an improvement)

**aww yeah!! Page 8!!**
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
HEY! I've got an idea! On PBS, whenever they have their pledge drives, they give stuff away according to how much you donate. We should give a CEG sticker or a key chain to everyone that donates above a certain point. Maybe some other prizes, too; like getting to punch your favorite moderator in the face if you donate a grand. Granted we would have to collect more money to cover the expenses, but I think it would motivate more people to donate more money.

I'm not speaking for John Miks; who sells the stickers or Chris Hightower; who sells the keychains. I'm just throwing my ideas around, although I stole them from PBS.

BTW-I in no way condone punching the moderators in their faces, but if it will raise 1000 bucks per shot, it's for a good cause. wink :p
The only problem with that philosophy is that we just have enough money to keep it up, not enough to buy promotional items.
Originally posted by dnewma04:
The only problem with that philosophy is that we just have enough money to keep it up, not enough to buy promotional items.
I'm just a little optimistic. I know a lot of people don't check the site every day and so they may not have seen this thread, yet.

I think you just don't want a punch in the face, Dave! wink
Elky... If we keep this up, you could probably have some extra money and won't run into the 10th.. laugh

BTW: Do you sit back and WAIT to post a reply that owns a page? You must have the MOST first reply pages of anyone..


Please post a list of contributors when this is complete. Thanks to all who are helping (past, present, future)!

Originally posted by Ray:
I would like to say a special thanks to the guys at NECO, and everywhere else, that decided to contribute to us as well.. That takes as the most loyal "CEG" group, and places us in a very "close" group with everyone. I love this..

I agree with you 100%. Thanks to all the Neco people for helping out.
Can I please have an address to send a check to. The paypal isn't working.
Originally posted by Ray:
Elky... If we keep this up, you could probably have some extra money and won't run into the 10th.. laugh

BTW: Do you sit back and WAIT to post a reply that owns a page? You must have the MOST first reply pages of anyone..


it becomes 10 in a day!! frown

and i just lucked out with the new pages. These are the first two in a while.

By the way... Her family lives in "bendover", so it looks like we will be there, actually..

I have tried THREE times, this morning alone, let alone the twice last night, to use paypal.. I am getting the same "invalid zip" error, though I use it all the time....
How do I go about getting another form of donation?

Originally posted by Ray:

By the way... Her family lives in "bendover", so it looks like we will be there, actually..

I have tried THREE times, this morning alone, let alone the twice last night, to use paypal.. I am getting the same "invalid zip" error, though I use it all the time....
How do I go about getting another form of donation?

Well ray, thats good to hear!!
Originally posted by ChattavegasSE:
HEY! I've got an idea! On PBS, whenever they have their pledge drives, they give stuff away according to how much you donate. We should give a CEG sticker or a key chain to everyone that donates above a certain point. Maybe some other prizes, too; like getting to punch your favorite moderator in the face if you donate a grand. Granted we would have to collect more money to cover the expenses, but I think it would motivate more people to donate more money.

I'm not speaking for John Miks; who sells the stickers or Chris Hightower; who sells the keychains. I'm just throwing my ideas around, although I stole them from PBS.

BTW-I in no way condone punching the moderators in their faces, but if it will raise 1000 bucks per shot, it's for a good cause. wink :p
our prize is that will remain up and running as an invaluable resource to all contique enthusiasts.
I don't need a keychain or a t shirt to remind me that I was able to share in keeping alive.

P.S. for those of you who keep saying you need a "snail mail" address to send payment to, please reread the first post in this thread! the directions are laid out there plain as day.
I sent my share in. I'll pay every year if I have to as long as I own my 'Tour. I've only had the car for four months and this site has already helped me way too many times for me not to pay.
done. What are we at??
Originally posted by SVTspeed:
done. What are we at??
Were gonna have to wait for perry to go home and see. He said he will try to at lunch to see what were at.
we had over $2300 at 6:30 i think we probably are really close
I paid....
By my approximations we've already gone past $2500 not including snail donations... laugh
Perry has my 15. We need an update, what are we up to now?
Unless I missed it, somewhere in the readings of this topic, someone (I guess me...) should definitely say that THIS needs to be added to the archives!!!!

A great day, indeed..

I am in, just sent for the snail mail address,, too old, don't believe in credit cards. I thank all for the help I got from this site, thank you smile
Updated the total... over $3100 in Paypal right now. Add on e-checks and cash in the mail, and we're sittin pretty!

Sorry for keepin ya hanging. Even though I work with computers all day, none of them actually work smile We're moving computers around campus and setting them up. Don't have the time to sit still to look things over. Next update around 5pm central time. (If my cable modem stays up, I hear a big thunderstorm rolling in...)
Sent my money. Also put the money in for OutlawdSVT. Thanks to all that helped!!! smile
Will have money once paypal eats the deposit from my account.
Great job everyone! Hey, the more we get the longer the CEG stays alive without having to do another drive!

You guys rock. It's been awesome to see this family pull together.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to make this happen.

=) Christy & Lance
Just sent my money VIA the Information Super Highway. I've found this website to be the most valuable, extensive and informative sites on the web. Well worth a contribution especially with the money you can save with group buys, sales and knowledge. For cryin out loud, for the price of 4 Starbucks non-fat-soy-hazelnut-mocha-blend with sprinkles you too could be a part of CEG.

Lets keep this going guys. Without CEG I would actually have to be doing my work.
Sent mine in early this morning.Lets go CEG!!!!!!!!!!!
As I promised, I sent mine at 11:30am on the 26th.
Got mine in--

Thanks for the great resource.
I should find out today if I get a job. If I do, mondo money is on the way.
We are a go on the SDSL Line. My roommate approved. As soon as I get approval from Lance. I'll place the order for the line.

I'm in.

-A while back-
I called SVT direct for assistance with the sunroof sticking. They said "Wait a minute and I'll check for some information."

Keep up the good work
just donated some money. i love this site first time i gave money to a site. but i love the site. gotta keep it going. peace chicken grease jay paid paypal. smile
just logged on for the first time in a couple of sent. This is great guys!!!! Keep it up!

This site has been an incredible resource! I never want to see it go! Money sent at 12:20PM Pacific.

Let the good times roll!!!!

Jim Bandy
WEll I finally got my money sent! Thanks alot!!!!
Money Sent!!!! i hope that it does a little bit of good for this great site.
I'm sure by now that Paypal has notified the fbi of the excessive use of perry's account. They probably think he's trafficing something he shouldn't be. wink

'00 SVT
Holy fug, before I even saw the message calling for $2500, the amount is already raised.

Well, I'll throw in some for the 2003-2004 season.
Originally posted by perry:
Updated the total... over $3100 in Paypal right now. Add on e-checks and cash in the mail, and we're sittin pretty!

Sorry for keepin ya hanging. Even though I work with computers all day, none of them actually work smile We're moving computers around campus and setting them up. Don't have the time to sit still to look things over. Next update around 5pm central time. (If my cable modem stays up, I hear a big thunderstorm rolling in...)
It was mentioned in here before, Perry, but I'd like to reiterate that there needs to be a list published of those who contributed. smile
This is definately one of the most heart warming episodes in my life in a long time! I remember Lance posting this thread, and then seconds later the money started flowing!

One thing I am not too happy about: Someone beat me to the first donation... I was second :rolleyes: laugh

We have showed to the entire U.S. car community how great of a group this is. Not only is it informational, but it is also a special bond of people.


I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!!!!! smile smile smile smile smile smile
arrrrhhhh.....*Group Hug* laugh
Mo Money on the way laugh
Hmm...I wonder who was first...Needless to say great job everybody!
The Cash has been sent.....JAM
Originally posted by Lee:
Hmm...I wonder who was first...Needless to say great job everybody!
Ahhh, you bastad (int. misspelling) laugh

Sorry guys I just have to do this:

New Ford Racing shirt: $17.00

Ford SVT Jacket: $85.00

Used Contour: $5 to $16.000

Signing up for CEG: $0.00

Originally posted by Sandman333:
It was mentioned in here before, Perry, but I'd like to reiterate that there needs to be a list published of those who contributed. smile
Please read Christy's note about this back on page 8.

I'll provide Lance and Christy with the data, it'll be their decision to post it. I think we have a pretty good record from this thread....
Sandman, not sure if this is a good idea or not... Some people may take this the wrong way, and if they did not/could not contribute, they would feel inadequate both from their point of view and from the point of view of others... It's all in this post anyhow...

Just my thoughts on this....

I sent mine this morning

Originally posted by Milan007:
Sandman, not sure if this is a good idea or not... Some people may take this the wrong way, and if they did not/could not contribute, they would feel inadequate both from their point of view and from the point of view of others... It's all in this post anyhow...

Just my thoughts on this....

I agree. I don't need to know who donated what amount. If there are people who weren't willing to support this cause, I'd rather not know. If you contributed, you know you did your part. I think that is enough. Just my personal opinion. However, I wouldn't mind seeing the number of donations.
I did my part. You guys do yours. I agree that any extra money needs to be put in an intrest bearing account to pay for future upgrades and problems. Damn, we are truly special group.

Just paypaled. Forgot to put my screen name though. frown but there's only one Karl from California (I think laugh ) so maybe it'll be obvious.


Page 10 own3d!!
Also email is highwaystar50 at so I can be matched to donation that way just in case. wink
Paypal'd last night / today for:

- myself
- JessMan
- ThePakrat

I also got several NECO members to donate as well, so a thanks should go out to them!

- Axio
- highgeer
- Upper90

And I agree that a list of contributors should be posted for recognition.

And also agree that the remaning money should be put at least into a savings account until it is needed.
Mine's in, a little late, but better late than never. I forgot to put on my screen name though.
Sorry so late... I am sure that all funds would be helpfull. cool
Well, I guess every1 raised enuff money. Thanks every1, I can't live with out this site. You can count on a donation from me sometime next year.
There's so many without screen names that I kinda gave up on trying to match real names & email addresses w/ screen names. I was trying to keep a spreadsheet of screen names and donation amounts, but it was pretty futile. Besides, Paypal will let me download a comma delimited text file so that I can import the data into a spreadsheet and then I can just add in the donations that I get by snail mail. Makes things much easier on me.

Just some quick stats:

167 donations so far. Paypal has collected $157.14 in fees from a total of $3708.52, leaving us with $3551.38 (which includes pending e-checks).

The average net donation is $21.27, median is $14.26, mode is $14.26. Standard deviation is $17.02.
I forgot my screen name, my e-mail is You can put me on your sheet.
Originally posted by SVT ST PETE:

And I agree that a list of contributors should be posted for recognition.

And also agree that the remaning money should be put at least into a savings account until it is needed.
Any money we receive above and beyond what we need this year will be put in paypals money market account towards the next years cost.

Like Perry stated, this topic has served as good recognition and we are not going to post a separate list of those who donated. We don't want to create an atmosphere of superiority based on giving. People have given out of the generosity of their hearts. Some people were able to give more, some less and some not at all. All that matters is that everyone came together to keep this site alive. We don't want to alienate those who were unable to give at this time, and unfortunately there are those in that situation because of the economy. Yes, there have been several unemployed members who dug down deep and managed to contribute which was definitely touching and a tribute to this site, but not everyone was in that position.

We want to extend our utmost thanks to every one who was/is able to give. Know that you are truly appreciated.

=) Christy
Checking account balanced, payment sent!

Yeah, it may go towards next years bill but the more the better!

Maybe since we have more $$ than we need for a DSL connection, maybe we could get a faster line? Just asking smile

Thanks again to Perry, Matt, Lance & Christy and everybody who is keeping the CEG alive! laugh
What about donating a portion of the overbalance to Lance? He, afterall, is the reason all of us are here. He's had to put up with our s#!7 all these years, so why not a thank you? Can we have a vote? Should I start a poll?
As touched as we are by the thought of that gesture, we are going to stick with carrying it all over for next year. By giving Lance money, it would be considered income he's receiving from the site and thus it legally becomes a business.

=) Christy
Business = Taxes = Bad for all of us.

Thanks for everything guys/gals and I can't wait till the sites back up again!

Oh and Perry, My email is Leecox at and my name was Richard Cox if it helps.
Originally posted by Outback Gal:
As touched as we are by the thought of that gesture, we are going to stick with carrying it all over for next year. By giving Lance money, it would be considered income he's receiving from the site and thus it legally becomes a business.

=) Christy
Ok, well, at least you guys know you are appreciated! laugh
Paypal is taking forever but I WILL have money in soon-
Damn Good Job Lance, Andy W., perry and co.

Glad to see the site won't disappear!
I LOVE CEG! Just Donated! i know i'm late... I had no idea we would make it this fast!
  I feel rather bad, actually.  My present financial state is such that I have to be very stingy, and so I'm not making a donation at this time.

  On the up side, I have been watching the updated donation figures at the start of this thread, and I am in complete awe.  In less than 24 hours, not only has this site apparently raised the $2,500 it needs to keep going for another year, but it's raised nearly another $1,000 beyond that.  All this from voluntary donations, from people who think this site is worth reaching into their pockets to save.  There is something truly wonderful and awe-inspiring about this.

  There are indications that my own financial mess may ease up a bit in the very near future.  Though it looks liek this site really doesn't need it now, I am going to have to make a point of squeezing out some reasonable donation as soon as I think I reasonably can.
Originally posted by Sandman333:
Originally posted by Outback Gal:
[b]As touched as we are by the thought of that gesture, we are going to stick with carrying it all over for next year. By giving Lance money, it would be considered income he's receiving from the site and thus it legally becomes a business.

=) Christy
Ok, well, at least you guys know you are appreciated! laugh [/b]
Send him car parts instead! laugh
thank you Lance and team (sorry 11 pages! I don't know everyone involved)
::Sent Money!::
If there is extra money leftover we could put it towards CEG hat's or shirts for the donators. I have a buddy that works at a large embroidery/print shop that I have discussed this with. I could swing us a hell of a deal and be in charge of it. Lance, any thoughts?
Originally posted by FLuiDSVT:
::Sent Money!::
If there is extra money leftover we could put it towards CEG hat's or shirts for the donators. I have a buddy that works at a large embroidery/print shop that I have discussed this with. I could swing us a hell of a deal and be in charge of it. [b]Lance, any thoughts?
As I posted about 13 post above yours:

Originally posted by Outback Gal:
Originally posted by SVT ST PETE:
And I agree that a list of contributors should be posted for recognition.

And also agree that the remaning money should be put at least into a savings account until it is needed.
Any money we receive above and beyond what we need this year will be put in paypals money market account towards the next years cost.

Like Perry stated, this topic has served as good recognition and we are not going to post a separate list of those who donated. We don't want to create an atmosphere of superiority based on giving. People have given out of the generosity of their hearts. Some people were able to give more, some less and some not at all. All that matters is that everyone came together to keep this site alive. We don't want to alienate those who were unable to give at this time, and unfortunately there are those in that situation because of the economy. Yes, there have been several unemployed members who dug down deep and managed to contribute which was definitely touching and a tribute to this site, but not everyone was in that position.

We want to extend our utmost thanks to every one who was/is able to give. Know that you are truly appreciated.

=) Christy[/b]
This is very cool folks!

And yes ... I just added my contribution to the cause! I know we're over ... but hey .. that just means CEG will live more than a year and at least until my extended warranty expires;-)
Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck:
This is very cool folks!

And yes ... I just added my contribution to the cause! I know we're over ... but hey .. that just means CEG will live more than a year and at least until my extended warranty expires;-)
May not want to leave additional funds in paypal's money market account. Paypal, although just bought by ebay, still is on shakey terms with some of its users. I am not one of them, I infact support paypal to the best of my ability (have completed over 3200 transactions without a problem through paypal), but given the nature of these funds as a donation, it would be pretty crappy if they were somehow "frozen" or "misplaced" (horror stories I have heard about paypal) Is there any way that the funds can be transfered to an actual bank account the earns interest? Just a thought
Ok, so now that the money is there what kind of down time are we looking at for the move? Lance had indicated there still might be some lengthy down time for various reasons. Whats the plan man?
Originally posted by KnuKonceptz:
Is there any way that the funds can be transfered to an actual bank account the earns interest? Just a thought
Yea, I thought about the Paypal horror stories. Kinda decided that I'm going to try to move the money away from them pretty quickly.

I need to get with Andy to figure out if we can pay for the DSL line up front for the year or not. Won't earn interest on that money, but I feel it's safer that way. Heopfully we can, and I can just put the rest of the money (for the second year) into a CD.
Glad to donate. smile

This is what makes this site and forum stand out from the rest. laugh
Just sent mine, sorry it took so long. I'm glad that we got this chance to save the CEG and thanks everyone for all pulling together. cool This is indeed a big family. laugh
I'd help out, but I'm a piss poor college student. frown Sorry. (and I still have a hell of a lot of car payments to make!)
I'm gonna have to wait until I get paid to send money, but I'll send some. smile
$75 on it's is going to be a day late this month! laugh

Haven't donated yet? Think about it this way:

How much would you pay for a book that would tell you anything that you could EVER want to know about your Contour/Mystique?

Has this forum saved you at least $15 by doing the work yourself?

Could you develop a turbo for your car for $15?

Send in the $15 already!!!
WOW smile its so great to see all of us pitchin together to see this thing stay up!!! ITs amazing how fast we raised that much money! smile YAY CEG lol smile
Sorry for the delay been real busy lately, but I'm in to keep this site going...
Perry, You and Andy might want to see if they(DSL Company) can do a bank draft every month on the account you end up putting it in. At least that way you get more of an interest acrual and less money to raise later. Just a thought.
Took along time to read all these post. 11 pages in 2 days eek . I just sent a request to transfer some funds from my savings account to my paypal account.It takes about 4 days to post in my payapl account.Once I get in there I'll send it right to the CEG laugh . Thanks to everyone that helped out. Stan
Perry, just sent ya some loot through PayPal. Keep it up guys!
Snail mail donation on the way laugh
No job for now, but I gave what I could. I'm proud to be part of this effort! Save CEG!
are we there yet?
Originally posted by Contour Concepts:
are we there yet?
Look on the first page of this post and it will show how much we have donated.
i see that the goal has been more than met....i will still give my share but it'll be a couple weeks til i get paid again...cant touch the moving fund though
4k!!? Cripes, once all the snail mail gets in I bet we have enough for two years!!
We just broke $4000! WoooooHooooo!
All done! smile
From Steph (Joel4Prez)and I.
Glad to help. Sent via Paypal.
just donated my share smile keep ot going guys

Sending out snail-mail ASAP ... Long live the CEG !!!
Dang!!! I had to leave town (dad had a stroke frown )... glad to see what happened while I was gone! laugh I will chip in as soon as I get paid for the next year's go around laugh
Wow, great job, CEG family! Just wanted to tap this thread up to the top. Any idea of the # of different contributors? Perhaps 300?

When I downloaded the transactions last night, it was at 197. Gotten a few more since then, so probably a hair over 200. But I've send my address to around 25 people....
By the way Perry....thank you for all your hard work keeping us all updated!! laugh
Yes, thanks Perry. It's so refreshing to see this place which has always been run with integrity and selflessness.

Originally posted by SVT ST PETE:
And I agree that a list of contributors should be posted for recognition.
I agree also, however, I feel that contribution amounts for each person who donated should be left off. This way, nobody feels inferior for not donating a large(er) sum. I'll be sending $20 when paypal finally chews the money from my checking account - but I'd hate to see anyone hurt because someone says "I donated more than you".

Group effort, guys - and you're all doing a wonderful job.
Originally posted by TheCiscoGuy:
I agree also, however, I feel that contribution amounts for each person who donated should be left off. This way, nobody feels inferior for not donating a large(er) sum. I'll be sending $20 when paypal finally chews the money from my checking account - but I'd hate to see anyone hurt because someone says "I donated more than you".

Group effort, guys - and you're all doing a wonderful job.
I agree w/ this as well smile
Originally posted by Rachel:
Originally posted by TheCiscoGuy:
[b]I agree also, however, I feel that contribution amounts for each person who donated should be left off. This way, nobody feels inferior for not donating a large(er) sum. I'll be sending $20 when paypal finally chews the money from my checking account - but I'd hate to see anyone hurt because someone says "I donated more than you".

Group effort, guys - and you're all doing a wonderful job.
I agree w/ this as well smile [/b]
As I posted a couple times back on page 10:

Originally posted by Outback Gal:
Originally posted by SVT ST PETE:
And I agree that a list of contributors should be posted for recognition.

And also agree that the remaning money should be put at least into a savings account until it is needed.
Any money we receive above and beyond what we need this year will be put in some kind of interest earning account towards the next years cost.

Like Perry stated, this topic has served as good recognition and we are not going to post a separate list of those who donated. We don't want to create an atmosphere of superiority based on giving. People have given out of the generosity of their hearts. Some people were able to give more, some less and some not at all. All that matters is that everyone came together to keep this site alive. We don't want to alienate those who were unable to give at this time, and unfortunately there are those in that situation because of the economy. Yes, there have been several unemployed members who dug down deep and managed to contribute which was definitely touching and a tribute to this site, but not everyone was in that position.

We want to extend our utmost thanks to every one who was/is able to give. Know that you are truly appreciated.

=) Christy[/b]
Perhaps the 3 largest contributors should be listed?
I was shocked at the prospect of losing CEG!! I was away from work (where my computer is) for 2 weeks while my little neice was visiting and was not aware of events unfolding, but I'm back today and have made a donation. Even if I trade in my Tour I would hate for the site to go away its too much fun. CEG FOREVER!!!!! Hang in there LANCE..
Originally posted by TheGSRGuy:
Perhaps the 3 largest contributors should be listed?
Why? If the contributers want to say how much they donated, they will. Everyone that donated deserves a thank you regardless of how much they were able to give at this time.
We all came to the rescue of this awesome place. So please don't ruin it by attempting to make anyone of us better than the next person, simply b/c we contributed and they did not... WE DON'T NEED THIS!

I am sure that all those that could, chipped in according to their abilities. All this talk of making a public list is getting off the main issue, and that was our ability to stick together and save our favorite place... Please don't sidestep this!

-Milan wink
"Perhaps the 3 largest contributors should be listed?"

Simple answer "NO!", this isn't a political fundraiser.

I am having problems with PayPal and can't get a contribution. I am sure there are others, too. As soon as I can I will give something.
Hi Guys,

I was not aware until just now as to what was going on with the new server and hosting. This web site has saved me hundreds of dollars and I have gleaned extremely valuable information time after time.

Do you still need financial support? I can't give much but if you still need some bling I can make a donation via Pay Pal.
Originally posted by Rob R.:
Do you still need financial support? I can't give much but if you still need some bling I can make a donation via Pay Pal.
From what I see the current needs are covered but all the extra will be put into an interest bearing account to help with the next years bill so anything you can/will donate would still be a help.
Paypal now has $4140.64 and I got $125 in checks today for a grand total of $4265.64.
the current amount is unbelievable!!!!!!!
And some people thought my suggestion of 5K would be a hard goal to shoot for. I tell you this: You grossly underestimated the usefullness of this site in others minds.
christy- I am sorry I didnt get a chance to read all of the other pages and I didnt notice that you had said that- but you are totally right.. I agree whole heartedly...
Originally posted by Lee:
And some people thought my suggestion of 5K would be a hard goal to shoot for. I tell you this: You grossly underestimated the usefullness of this site in others minds.
some doubted, yes.
I on the otherhand, always had 110% faith in my fellow CEGers that they'd "put their money where their mouths are",
and will continue to give to keep running in the months and years to come.
I was soo bummed about the site going down when it was first announced. I've been away all weekend but then noticed today that not only was there an effort to raise money to bring 'em back, but the GOAL was already achieved! Excellent work people! I made my donation just now. A lil extra couldn't hurt right? Bling Bling!
Cool...we're still here at 2:05EDT on July 31st....
This gonna become the offical still here thread? Cause it is Aug 1st now baby and we are still here!

Edit: Well, by my clock anyways :p
Well worth it! has saved me hundreds of dollars and given me more confidence in working on my car myself. I brag to others about this site.

Thanks again, and I apologize for not doing this sooner!
finally got my $$$ in

Well I'm glad the site was saved. I just got back from Asia recently and discovered the need. Made my donation via Pay Pal and want to thank all the other visitors that did their part to save the site. Now I'm on the forums so perhaps I'll discover these things even while I'm traveling.

Just got the funds into my paypal account today.I sent it to you perry with the paypal link on the first page. Thanks to everyone that has made this possible. Stan laugh
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