Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: aaron_soccer20 who knows where ContourSVT98 is!! - 12/08/05 07:01 PM
is been since last feburary, might painted headlights were paid for and suposed to be shipped out within a week as he said to me in one of many messages... after that last message that said he was shipping them out in 1 week... i havnt heard anything, i tried to contact him many times since.. i have paid him the full ammount for the headlights and he has my headlights there, so i have lost alot at this point and i bought cheap used headlights that were sooo messed up it rains once and one headlight has an inch of water in it.... can someone please help me track him down, or give me his phone number or address or both... i need to do something asap.
thank you all for help

Posted By: RawBurt Re: who knows where ContourSVT98 is!! - 12/08/05 07:09 PM
Check this out!
Posted By: svt4stv Re: who knows where ContourSVT98 is!! - 12/08/05 07:25 PM
hate to be the bearer of bad news, but from what i hear, he moved to Mexico.

his brother is a member of CEG though. felixdacat. sorry to give you up man but dan apparently still has business to finish up here. try to help this poor guy out.
Posted By: CSVT985 Re: who knows where ContourSVT98 is!! - 12/09/05 07:06 PM
Im just glad I got my vinyl decals before all this happened, he did take a lot of egging-on to get them, but I am lucky to have received it at all.
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