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Yet another one...


meester super sleuth
Feb 14, 2006
Southeast Michigan
Today I woke up at 2am to go pick up this 2000 Black SVT beauty. Thankfully no blizzard this time!


My new SVT with my Coug in the background and my 5.0L tow beast behind that...




Here are some pics when I got it back to temporarily store it at my parents along with my other cars. I OWN their driveway! lol. I'm glad they are cool with it. I even have another SVT parts car filling their garage too! :cool:

The coug and my MTX escort beater...


My T RED SVT in the background that I just put a new trans and clutch in..


Little better pic of the SVT with my white Escort in the background that I have yet to put the motor in :crazy: ...


And yes my driveway is full too! These were taken 20 min later when I drove back to my house with the Cougar...





The sad part is that I am picking up 2 more in the next week. Stay tuned for pics! :crazy: And yes, ALL my cars need a nice cleaning and I have batches of nice headlights ready to go on them all!

want another one?? i'll trade you mine for that cougar...i'd even drive out there to do it.
I wish I had cash so I could take one or more off your hands. Keep them for about another 2 yrs, so you'll be getting rid of them when I graduate :cool:.
want another one?? i'll trade you mine for that cougar...i'd even drive out there to do it.

I actually got offered a 100,000 mile Silverfrost SVT with a built trans, new clutch, lightweight flywheel, new koni sport kit, new LCA's , etc...etc... in trade for the Cougar and I turned it down. ;) I love SVT's but I love the Cougar too. :cool:
damn you!!! i know of someone selling a svt cluster w/51k,if i put that in does it count:laugh:
black tour is looking very nice. what mufflers are on it
REEBS you crazy man.... You just bought that car from a guy in Kenosha, WI.... You offered more than I and this guy really needed it. Knock, knock is all I have to say..... Parting or fixing??
REEBS you crazy man.... You just bought that car from a guy in Kenosha, WI.... You offered more than I and this guy really needed it. Knock, knock is all I have to say..... Parting or fixing??

Fixing for sure. It is a very nice car with a perfect rust free body and great interior so I wouldn't part it. I tried to give him as much as possible for the car because he was a very cool single parent and I wanted to help him out. I offered him my escort as a daily driver to get around for the time being as well but I think he would have had a hard time going from a SVT to an escort wagon! :laugh: I didn't mean to steal the car from you or anyone either. I just was trying to help the guy out and add to my collection at the same time.
nice pickup, i have to stop reading these threads, seeing you guys pick up CSVT after CSVT makes me wanna cry seeing how I cant even have 1... LOL
Man I don't think I could purchase more than two CDW27's in any given year. I just wouldn't want to, but that's cool you guys in the midwest have a growing collection... :help: :laugh: