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Addicted CEG'er
Mar 18, 2001
Nashua NH
Front page of the Union Leader (online) today


The storms over the past two weeks have been crazy, and I've been loving every minute of it! There's nothing quite like a torrential thunderstorm with flash floods, and sunshine 30 minutes later to dry everything off.
i mowed the lawn Tuesday in the rain.
i sat in the parking lot of our Manchester facility for about 20 minutes last night watching the lightning and waiting for the rain to let up.
lots of points along elm street had over a foot of water.

i am only really hating this stuff because all my roofs leak and my yard floods
The only disadvantage I've found is that I can't get under the SVT to investigate/fix all of its issues, since the ground is constantly wet.
But that's fine if the tradeoff is spectacular lightning!

ElKy, I got caught in it in the SVT on Friday myself. Huge storm, I had to pull over twice to wait it out!
We haven't gotten the magnitude that you folks up in Cow Hampshire or northern Mass have been experiencing. Love the picture of the trusty Contour FORDing the river. :cool:

That said, we've had plenty of rain south of Boston. The guy I bought the XR7 from had warned me that the sunroof leaks in hard rain. Fortuitously, it's still dry. Even took it through a Laserwash last night, armed with a towel in case of the worst. Nothing. Now to fix that "Jeannie's bottle" headliner...
I can't imagine that's very good for the car... letting the hot oil pan touch cold water= recipe for disaster.

One of my friends did that in high school... flooded street in November, and he just sped up and drove through it. Got halfway and the car died. He and his passengers had to get out and wade though the water, and then he had to go back in and hook a rope under the car for the tow truck. Got mild hypothermia, and it turns out he cracked the engine block and the car was trashed.
What is most likely to happen is that you could suck some water into the air intake and blow a head gasket. Talking from first hand experience of course. Dad wasn't to happy that day.
Got it out of the water using the starter, not clutch interlock in the old days. Let it dry for a few minutes and then it started up and i drove it 5 miles home. It was a 1974 Saab 99.
Got it out of the water using the starter, not clutch interlock in the old days. Let it dry for a few minutes and then it started up and i drove it 5 miles home. It was a 1974 Saab 99.

from what I remember Elky saying Saabs still don't have clutch interlocks