You asked for it -- you got it!
This thread is for listing items you want to buy (WTB), want to sell (FS) or trade locally. Please read the guidelines below. The regular classifieds rules and disclaimer also apply.
1. Prices may not be posted here. Please contact the seller for more information.
2. All inquiries to posts here should be conducted outside of this thread, via PM, e-mail, AIM, etc. with the poster.
3. Please specify if you WTB, have FS or Trade the items you list.
4. Please PM me to de-list an item after it is no longer available or needed.
5. Include your location (if it's not in your profile already) or how far you'll drive to pick something up.
6. If you are not located in the NW region please don't post ads in this thread unless you are willing to drive to the NW area to hand deliver the parts.
Enjoy, and happy parts hunting!
This thread is for listing items you want to buy (WTB), want to sell (FS) or trade locally. Please read the guidelines below. The regular classifieds rules and disclaimer also apply.
1. Prices may not be posted here. Please contact the seller for more information.
2. All inquiries to posts here should be conducted outside of this thread, via PM, e-mail, AIM, etc. with the poster.
3. Please specify if you WTB, have FS or Trade the items you list.
4. Please PM me to de-list an item after it is no longer available or needed.
5. Include your location (if it's not in your profile already) or how far you'll drive to pick something up.
6. If you are not located in the NW region please don't post ads in this thread unless you are willing to drive to the NW area to hand deliver the parts.
Enjoy, and happy parts hunting!