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Cop on a powertrip?

Word saw this about a week ago. Crazy ****, I'm glad he got suspended :nonono:
Word saw this about a week ago. Crazy ****, I'm glad he got suspended :nonono:

I hope this ass gets fired, sounds like he needs a punch to the head. Maybe that will fix whatever is knocked loose.

The kid did have a little bit of an attitude, but right when the cop started speaking I could tell he was going to be a complete ass to the kid driving the car.
Ugh this just strengthens my dislike for some police officers. IMO the majority of police stations are over employeed to an extent that all the officers have to do is mess around with people and abuse their power.
punk ass cop. glad the kid taped it, this kinda crap happens to much:mad:
i agree...but the kid was kinda rude from the beginning. Still, the cop was a douche. At some point i would have just said fugg it and told the cop to do a not so nice thing to his mother...and then slapped the tape on my lawyers desk with a giant grin on my face.

Since he got locked up anyway it's not like it would have hurt him any...
Why wouldn't the kid have an attitude? The cop was being completely unnecessary in all of his actions. I can relate...I was picking up my friend (he's half black) who lives in a very bad neighborhood with a nearly completely minority-filled neighborhood. This makes me stick out because I'm white. A cop decided to pull me over because I didn't come to a "complete stop" at a stop sign, and proceeded to ask me what I was doing in this neighborhood and asked for mine AND my friend's ID. I guess he didn't believe that my friend lived in the neighborhood or something and thought I was selling drugs or something? (cuz I'm white? wtf...) I feel this is what he was after, because the first question he asked me after running out ID's was why my eyes were red. "My eyes are red? I have no idea what you are talking about officer. I don't do that kind of thing" (smoking the you-know-what) He proceeds to say in a rude and sarcastic way, "You're a smart kid, but I don't like your attitude." ?? I don't really know what was up the cops butt, but I said "what's the big deal?...," but he then told me to "watch myself" in a neighborhood full of kids. I was like :confused: what kids? Dude was a douche-ist. :mad:
True, he was out of line. I'm sure he'll get suspended. Alot of you are quick to say you hate cops...oh well your opinion. Until you have walked a mile in a cop's shoes, please don't be so quick to judge. I've been a cop for 12 years, and seeing the worst in people day in day out gets to you sometimes. Green you have met me, do think I'm a power hungry jerk, I was at SZ and I'm sure no one there thought I was an azz. It's our chosen profession, and believe me some people get badges that should not have them. Please don't judge all officers by the actions of the few that make us all look bad. I work in a crime ridden, dope dealer infested part of my city, I see dead kids,deploreable conditions and people that steal,cheat, and kill for dope. After dealing with this all day, you have to "turn it off' and go home and try not to bite off your families head. If you want to see why "we" snap sometime, I have an empty passenger seat! I've had friends ride along and puke after coming out of a roach infested dope house where 5 kids sleep on the sh*t soaked floor, and ask how I sleep at night. Sorry for the rant

im not going to say I hate cops, in fact ive met some pretty cool ones in my day.

But, you have to admit some of them overstep their bounds, they have ever right to be cautious given what they have to deal with on a daily basis. But protocol and procedure should be followed to the book.
im not going to say I hate cops, in fact ive met some pretty cool ones in my day.

But, you have to admit some of them overstep their bounds, they have ever right to be cautious given what they have to deal with on a daily basis. But protocol and procedure should be followed to the book.
word, word, and word.
Yeah, the cop that pulled me over because of my two-day expired registration was really cool. I was able to try and bust a couple jokes with him with my parents around and stuff. And most of the cops in my town are pretty chill and all and just do their job. But the ones that give me attitude when I'm not doing anything wrong, I'll snap back. No need for cops to be *******s.
....seeing the worst in people day in day out gets to you sometimes....
Yet a cop should NEVER take that out on an ordinary citizen. I understand that people can be real idiots and rude. But ya know what? It comes with the job. Im not making any excuses for anyone. But given the situation, I would say the man DOES need to be fired. I work in a private members club, and those people can be some of the worst to deal with. Yet if I had an attitude, I would be looking for other employment.

im not going to say I hate cops, in fact ive met some pretty cool ones in my day.

But, you have to admit some of them overstep their bounds, they have ever right to be cautious given what they have to deal with on a daily basis. But protocol and procedure should be followed to the book.

I agree. I DO NOT hate cops. There are some that I believe need to lose their jobs, but thats not my call to make. I have a cousin thats a cop, and believe me, I have heard what its like.
i like cops for the most part. one cop let me off of a 55 in a 30 stop while another pulled me over for having only fogs on and told me that i was being a "d0uchebag." most of my dads friends friends are cops so i dont mind them. theyre just doing their job
I just got pulled over like three nights ago for the same thing.... The guy was real nice about it. I actually had forgotten my headlights werent on.:troutslap:

that happened to me also, I turned my headlight switch to parking lamps, and sat in a parking lot waiting for a friend, then drove down a brightly lit road. Got pulled over, and as the cop was walking up to my door, I noticed what I had done, turned the lights on, cop came up to my window "figured it out there eh?"
me: ":D yep, sorry about that guess I didnt turn the knob all the way over."
i hate the cars that have auto lights but they don't turn on the rear lights when they are on so you still need to turn the knob. what is the point.
i hate the cars that have auto lights but they don't turn on the rear lights when they are on so you still need to turn the knob. what is the point.
they seriously do that? :nonono: I hate auto lights in general. I'll turn my headlights on when I'm damn good and ready :laugh: