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Black Swamp Mustangs All Ford & Mustang Show, Lima Ohio


Hard-core CEG'er
Feb 9, 2005
Columbus, Ohio

For anyone with images turned off, that's 10-noon registration on Sunday, July 31 in Lima at the University of Northwestern Ohio.

I'm probably rolling up from Columbus with OhioSVT for this one. Trying to get some more non-Mustang representation. Anybody in the EGL want to check it out?
Clay_SVT and I both went, as well as Chuck from OhioSVT.

Chuck won best in class with his 2011 GT500.

Clay won an award of excellence for his SVT.

I got dumped into some weird "other" catch-all "modified Ford" class for some reason. The only other car in my class was a dirty, poorly-painted 51 Ford Custom Greased-Lightning clone with James Dean murals painted badly all over it. And I lost. There was no decal on my car sheet at the end of the show, so I'm not even sure I got judged...
My buddy called me after I left and told me they pulled my number for the bristol tickets lol FML