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'07 Carlisle All-Ford Nationals

Good, you all have clean cars. :)

TourEnvy and I washed ours at the fairgrounds earlier this evening. Two more tours cleaned. ;)
Alright, well I'm heading to bed right now. I'll see some of you tomorrow.

yes!!!! Good news, MY SVT will be ready to be picked up from the shop tomarow. what happend was the original starter had fried up and went bad and a peice of it went down in to the forks of clutch and destroyed it.
anywho its all fixed now n ill be able to bring it on saturday :). plus i got a few new toys put on it as well. im picking it up tomarow night so tomarows gonna be a looong night of detailing. but ehh itll be fun. on saturday i should be gettin the fair grounds around 9ish and im goin stragiht to the redline tunning both cuz they are installing a set of hood shocks for me. so thatll be sweet. but yess im happy. as if you couldnt tell. cant wait to see all of you guys on saturday

leave work at 9:30 ( wa in at 6 and only have 3.5 hours to work)
hit wal-mart for some snacks/drinks
run up to Aircougars to get a SVT radiator and see if I can quickly fix exhaust leak
stop home to drop of brake pads
stop at gf house to drop a few things off
leave for Carlisle hopefully by 3? yeah right ....
The car is packed & ready, once school's out, Geoff & I are Carlise bound.:laugh: Don't think we're bringing Geoff's truck, though. Gas is just too much $$$.:nonono: He even redid his brakes and installed a new K&N filtercharger intake. Looks :drool: . See you all tonight, hopefully around 8:00. Christine, I'll give you a call when we get in.
^ I'll be waiting to hear from you.

FYI: For those with parking brake issues....we are NOT on the hill this year! :)

Drive safe everyone!
Determination should be enough to get that done in 5 hours.

well the total drive the way i want to go and with those two stops is 5.5 hours, and that is leaving from my apartment, so once I make the stops its only 4.5 hours or so ...