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Well, I hit a doe tonight...


Hard-core CEG'er
Nov 26, 2003
Sheboygan, WI
It was my next youngest brother and I in the car and we are both ok. I was driving him to work (the same place that I work 1st shift, him and my dad both work 3rd there). Anyways, on the way out there at about ten minutes to 11 I hit what I believe to be a doe in the SE. It popped out from a partial residential area in Kohler across from where I have seen many deer before. It gutted out my drivers side headlight, but as far as I can see in the dark tonight, that is the only damage. Hopefully it didn't damage my SVT grill, cuz that's the only grill I have right now. :( My dad will do a further inspection tomorrow while I am at work (I get to take my parents van to work tomorrow...yay :laugh: ) It was a pretty bloody scene and of course it didn't die right away :cry:. I don't have any pics of the damage and I don't think I will have time to get amanda's camera while she is at work because I plan on swapping out one of the SVT's headlights right away so I can drive at night again. That brings up some more fun I had tonight after the Kohler cop shot the doe and came by to inspect the damage and file a report. My mom came out because she was concerned and because my headlight was destroyed, so I could follow her home. We're less than a mile away from my house and of course we drive by a Sheboygan cop, so he whips a U-banger and comes flying up to us and pulls me over. :rolleyes: I explained the whole story to him and after confirming with Kohler PD, I was cleared to head home. What a night! :shocked: I'm just glad that my brother and I are ok. It's the first time I ever hit a deer and I was pretty shook up at first, but all is well.
eek, glad your ok - cars and parts can certainly be replaced but not people.

BTW -- did you keep the deer? mmmm... venison sausage is the best!
well i am glad you are ok...but speaking from my experience. ( i just hit 2-3 doe myself..oops) and if you want an OEM svt grille, they are on national back order according to my body shop. I still have to check bill jenkins
we still have some at here at RockAuto as well...

infact you might as well just get the regular one (I think I paid 12.00 for mine brand new) especially if you are going to paint the oval or change the mesh later..

I have been rockin the SE version ever since I saw it on M!key's car...
Well, as far as the grill is concerned, if I wind up getting a new grill, it will be an SVT grill because I like it (plus it was originally intended to be on the SVT) and then I might as well buy a spare while I'm at it. We'll see about that. I haven't had a chance to look yet, but will be swapping out headlights so I can drive it tonight and checking for further damage.

As far as the deer is concerned, I did not keep it. I like venison, but I can't tolerate the blood and stuff (yeah, I'm a wuss :eek: ) so it was still there this morning on my way to work.
Sorry guys, if it wouldn't have happened so late at night, it prolly would have been easier to get ahold of you, but oh well. I'll remember you guys the next time I pick off a deer :crazy: :laugh:
My mom came out because she was concerned and because my headlight was destroyed, so I could follow her home. We're less than a mile away from my house and of course we drive by a Sheboygan cop, so he whips a U-banger and comes flying up to us and pulls me over. :rolleyes: I explained the whole story to him and after confirming with Kohler PD, I was cleared to head home. What a night! :shocked: I'm just glad that my brother and I are ok. It's the first time I ever hit a deer and I was pretty shook up at first, but all is well.

Cops really need to find something better to do then assume everyone with a damn headlight out are drunk.... Go do some REAL work... and they don't need dvd players on their notebooks... I know one lazy A$$ that when he works late shifts, takes dvds with him and watches them on his notebook in his car... (the notebook that they get with their cars....)
I'm not mad at him for pulling me over, he was just doing his job. It was just another thing to add to the night's wonderful events:rolleyes:
I used to hate cops... then I dated a chick who's dad is unmarked state patrol, which he is pretty cool. Then I didn't hate him, but I'm single again, so I'm back to hating the cops...

The cycle of life continues...