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Just another day...


meester super sleuth
Feb 14, 2006
Southeast Michigan
Had to pull the engine in 20 degree weather outside today with a wind chill. :( Glad it's over! I should have tried to pull it in the garage, but I didn't know if my hoist would clear the garage ceiling, so I sucked it up and didn't use the heated garage.




Oh, and that Little Ceasars Pizza box that was on my pre 98 melted the ice and then refroze to the trunk of my car! :crazy: :laugh:


Just thought I'd share...
nice....what are the plans for it?

Haha, I should have post this pic, just a parts car SVT! :) BigBen's old car that I bought after the accident.


and this pic...


Oh, and of course, you can never do a job without your best friend... :)



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hahaha this reminds me of when we rebuilt out '53 Chevy engine in out unheated garage during the winter. I think we took a break from it when it dipped under -20 w/o windchill! I take it you have probally mastered the art of working on cars with mittens/ski gloves on:D
nice reebs, so what car got the t-red color. You have 3 countours :confused:

That would be my baby, my T Red SVT, but yes I do have 3 Contours. I had four! :help: :) I guess I'm just in a Contour stage of my life. My wife wanted to shoot me when I picked up the last one! :crazy:

remember the commercial where the little ceasers were in a band?

I still remember the song........oh man, i think i am going to start singing

"patty dough matty two pizza's she saw, two big pizza's that'll fill your jaw. Pizza pizza!!!!........Pizza Pizza!!!"

ok, no more singing :)