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Happy birthday Glenn!


Dec 23, 2000
I'm sure you'll have a great 21st!

WooHoo, I get to buy you your first legal drink. :cool:
:( So far it's not turning out to be a good day for Glenn. I'll let him explain.
I sure hope the rest of your day/night is much better.
Call me l8tr Glenn.

If you can make some sort of curse out of that...that's all I feel like saying.

I'm just really pissed and upset all at once.
meaning stone chips??? I think Luca knows more details and that would make sense to fill in the gap.

You alright though?
I was heading down the PA Turnpike. Doing about 55-60. I go to pass someone in a white Chevy sedan. I get about even with him, and the **** swerves insanely fast towards me. I tried to move over as far to the left as I could, and he still kept coming. I applied the brakes, and side swiped the guard rail at 40ish because he decided to get in my lane. So, the gist of my morning was spent on the phone with 911, in the back of an ambulance because my neck is killing me, and in the ER getting x-rays. Not to mention I couldn't find a ride home because the alignment was **** in the car, so that got towed. It took an hour of calling people to eventually find a ride.
I hope you're feeling a bit better , Glenn . That kinda stuff really sucks the big one :mad: ! Also sucks that noone stopped :censored: (especially the tool that ran you off) . Hope your car isn't too screwed up & can be fixed relatively easily :cry: . We missed ya at the meet . What a way to celebrate your 21st :rolleyes: .
Take your meds & heal up .
Basically, the fender is caved in. Both doors have pretty rough gouges in them. The rear quarter panel is beat up, and both bumpers have some bad marks. The alignment is shot, which is why it got towed. The wheels were straight, but the steering wheel was as if I was making a hard left.

I just know I'm going to be royally ****ed with the deductible.

Where were you on the PA turnpike? (Lehighton is an exit ramp)

What a freakin birthday present...I hope they don't total the car, and that you're at least physically sound.

Is anyone still taking you out tonight?

Where were you on the PA turnpike? (Lehighton is an exit ramp)

What a freakin birthday present...I hope they don't total the car, and that you're at least physically sound.

Is anyone still taking you out tonight?

If they total it, I'll buy it back.

You bet I'm going out tonight. I need it badly.

It was Exit 105 South Bound that I was sitting and waiting at for the police.
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It took an hour of calling people to eventually find a ride.

An hour of calling people? You should have called me back, I would have come and gotten you.

Feel better!!!
An hour of calling people? You should have called me back, I would have come and gotten you.

Feel better!!!

I'm exaggerating. I waited about an hour for him to pick me up though. =P

I didn't want to interrupt you guys from your meet. Not to mention you were a good 60 miles away from me from what I could tell. Then it would have been another 35 back to my house. That's way too much for me to ask from you.
OK. Yeah, I knew you had to wait an hour for your friend to come get you.

I offered. No worries about me coming up there and missing the meet, there will be other meets. The important thing is that you got home.

How are you feeling?
Happy Birthday. Sucks to hear what happened to your car, glad you are ok. You'll be feeling it tomorrow, the day after is always the worst. Hope things are ok with you and your car.