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Domestic Violence!!! My SVT is all beat up!!

Yeah if that would have happened to me they might be pulling the person out from under my car. So sorry to hear about it, but good thing is your ok. its nice to see a girl that loves the car as much as we do :)
I think you would have been justified (self defense, he was threatening your life) in running his punk ass over. Hopefully he gets rammed full of cawk in jail.
I'm so sorry to see your car in that state. :cry: Thankfully it wasn't you that he beat on.
Good job on having him arrested. Make sure to carry that protective order with you. You see him anywhere in your vicinity, call the cops and back to jail for him.
Hope everything works out for you.
i got hit by a guy who then got in another car and felt and im still waiting for my deductible money a year later. but yea i did a photo line up and nailed him so.
If you were in the car and he was doing that, my first reaction would be start the car and floor it. If he was in front of the car, problem solved....

Seriously, your life could have been in danger, so if he just happened to end up under the front tires.....

So sorry to hear that, I don't understand why people have to do that crap. Hope all goes well with the repairs!
its nice to see a girl that loves the car as much as we do :)

You have no idea... I love her.. Everyone is like "get a new car.." I don't want a new car!!! I want her fixed!!!

Oh and I have a no contact order against him for now.. he got outta jail today (scary) but i really hope he tries to talk to me so i can put his a$$ back in jail dag nab it
Wow. It takes a lot of nerve to attack someone's car. Even if he was drunk. I'm sorry to see that happened to you, some people are just retarded. I hope you aren't out of a car too long. Glad you got him taken care of and put away though.
wow I cannot beleive someone would do that to a someone's car. I have one shoe missing and a some busted knuckless after I tore him a new arse. I had that happen to me three years ago x-wife keyed my car but I thanked her since I received a new paint job for free. But when she put sugar in my gas I thought I was going to hit a girl for the first time but I didn't. X's can be painfully stressful and expensive ...........hope you get him locked up ......
Let it be known that i would NEVER hurt a boyfriends or ex's car!!! NEVER!!! I know how freeking frustrating it is and i wanna cry everytime i think about my car.. grrrr..... I have my moms car forthe next week anda half... a 2006 Ford Fusion.. automatic... i forgot how to drive an automatic.. SOOooOOooOOoo bored while driving!!!!!!!
Yup.. Not totalled!!! yay!!! wont have her for a week and a half about but i am so excited to get her back!!. i drop her off tomorrow!!:crazy:
Reading this whole thread. I see everyone is saying the same thing. Put his ass back in jail.

Also if you would of ran him over. You would of gotten away easily. Especially after a windshield be smashed in. You alone in your car, being a girl and all. and him being drunk adds to the sudden need to take flight....

Do you have a picture of this tool of an ex boyfriend. So we know what this fugger looks like. So we have a reson to talk even more trash about him. lol

I seriously would of gone to jail after hurting him. Honest to god. I would of taken his arms. So he could never use them again. Well i guess it would of mean me driving him to the hospital since he could't drive himself.....
well its good he got put in jail, but id be charging his @ss with something that would stick. Thats something like aggravated assault, is it not? Id also sue the SOB. Good thing your ok and know well enough to stay away from a douche like that. I really dont get some women who stay in abusive relationships....
He could possibly get 3rd degree felony... but his momma got him a spendy lawyer.. so he will prolly get out of it... just have to pay fines and ish...
Even with a spendy criminal defense atty, your local county Prosecuting Atty office will not just roll over and play dead. Between likely witness statements, and those pictures you have of your car (do the cops and the prosecutor's office have those same pix?), the criminal prosecutor already is already dealt a pair of aces. Was this guy still drunk and belligerent when the cops caught up with him? If so, that's another ace. With how your car looked, he MUST have said something stupid that can be used against him when he was picked up. If so, that's another ace. The fancy attorney will review the discovery, tell his client he's screwed, and suggest plea deals.
Talked to the detective today... he is being charged with a felony in the 3rd degree... because of the amount of damage done... He was arrested that night right after he did this to my car... and he cops took lots of pictures.. there were a few witnesses too..
i knew i should have started my CEG hitman service!
maybe i could start now....

Nope. Too late now. People have pictures of you from SZ, & you are now on record wanting to start a 'business'.

I can hardly wait to see how this story plays out. I'm having to deal with a psycho mammas boy for another few weeks, but I KNOW I will ultimately get satisfaction.
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