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The End


Hard-core CEG'er
Jan 27, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
Well, it looks like it's the end for the Mystique. Friday night, I was out, late and driving on a road that i was unfamiliar with, went to take a turn, slid on some gravel went over a curb and hit a stone wall.

Im 99% sure that it's totaled. Its sitting at a shop right now. I'll see what their estimate is, and if it isn't outrageous (which I'm sure it will be) I'll turn it into insurance. I'd love so much to fix it. I'm really torn over this car :cry:

Even if I do get it fixed, I'm sure it will never run right again :(

Current damage (as I can see it) : Strut/spring, control arm, A-Frame...and a bunch of other parts that I cant think of the names.

What do you guys think?






As of right now, the rim/fender are the least of my worries. I can put my summer tires back on and i have no probelem driving with a smashed up fender for a while. I'm worried about the internals...blahh :(

I walked away with no injuries at all. The only think that hurts today are all of my muscles from when I tried to lift the car so we could get it on the flatbed. :blackeye:

I always wanted to slam my car...but this is too low! :crazy:
This is such a shame. You have always had one of the best looking Mystiques on here.
As a bittersweet farewell, I hope you made it into the calendar.
damn it! this blows! - Everyone needs to stop driving their cars in the winter - too many bad things happen.
Hopefully your going to a shop that doesn't charge too much for labor. With my insurance knowledge, I have to sadly say that with the extent of the internal damage that it is most likely done. Good luck!
I hate to be ghoulish, but I'd be interested in the other 3 rims, if you're not gonna replace the damaged one.
that looks real bad bro. am sorry to see that. please be careful when driving people. We're sending our tours to the junkyard at an alarming rate. At this rate, they'll be extinct in about 5years. :cry:
Kevin I feel for you. That's a damn shame man. I've seen your car a few times just randomly passing you on the road. Definitely a nice stique. Hope something works out for you.

If by chance you want to part it out to try and recoup some costs let me know. I would be interested in a few things.
Thanks guys :eek: I hope it get on the road soon too. Im really heartbroken over this car. I know that sounds gay/emo/whatever...but its true. I've really grown attached to this car over the years.

I bought it all by myself, cleaned it up, fixed it up and put a ton of time and effort into getting it where it was a week ago. It just sucks to see a thing that you have worked so hard to get and put so much into being in pieces.

Its only a I4 ATX Mystique...but its better than any car out there in MY eyes because its special to me. I swear, its like loosing a girlfriend. Places I go, things I do, pictures all remind me of it. Maybe thats a little sad haha...I dont care ;)

Hopefully it will be fixed and it'll be with me fore years to come...but if not, it will always be the best car I ever owned.

End emo post/
the extent of the damage really isnt that bad, fender, hub, strut spring, new brakes, drive axel.. that will at least get it back on the road again. Then you can have the bumper repainted.

Hell, it could even been a good experience, run around to a couple of junk yard and see what you can find.