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Your first meet...

My first meet was in Orlando FL, where I met alot of cool folks:

Brent372, SVTFlea, svttour, KerryKool, RandyCSVT, gulfcat, and branchedout, to name a few... Was an awesome time...

We had sandwhiches at the park, took a bunch of pictures, went to Ponderosa where I tried to kill a tourist(accidently, sorta), then we went and played minigolf, then to the hotel for some partying. Morning we woke up and all went to have breakfast at golden corral! Good times!

2 years ago?? i think. it was at a nice italian place up near reading. Followed Doug(digital slacker) up to the meet. met Christine, Allen and his wife, Paul and his wife, glenn was suppose to join but wrecked his black svt, and 2 other people.
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wow i can't even remember exactly...it was pretty soon after i originally bought the SVT in june 01. Maybe july or something. it was a weekly thing though, after that. I wonder if i have pics lying around somewhere...
Too long ago to remember. I barely remember who was there. I think it was just me, Derekxb, and PackRat. Both really good guys.

Hung out, got some lunch. Derek locked his keys in the car :) And that was it.
My first real meet the Novi BWW meets a few weeks after i got my new SVT last Jan or Feb. This was a cool way to get to know the EGL faces. It was nice because I knew a couple of people, Doug and Reebs, so it wasn't completely akward standing there with steeda and alex (who was trying to convince me to sell my car to him the entire time)
Overall good first meet experience, good turn out too!
my first meet was when i tried to meet the EGL group at the K-Mart on Gratiot, not sure the year. Long story short, I drove 3.5 hours got off on the WRONG gratiot exit (got to see some interesting parts of Detroit though). Had to stop for gas, the GF didnt even want to sit in the car alone while I went inside to pay!!!
Right as I pulled into K-Mart it started raining and most people were leaving. So basically I drove 3.5 hours to just turn around and go back home :(
I drove up there in a T-Red SVT, by the time I left the D it was BLACK!
Late 2001?

BBQ at Kevins house....
I brought Maria and a twelver of Coronas, Kein told me I didn't need beer, he had some in the basement and we've been best friends ever since!

That day I met Milan (Don't Ban Me!!!), Kevin, Hector, Phil, Tim and a whole new family I never would have thought would become the friends that we did.

Dave and Busters Meet

Miller Brewery Tour, Bowling, Spanking Hector Zetec to Zetec (Which eludes his memory still to this day =) )

Econo Lodge weekend on Memorial Parkway
(Some of the best meets ever!)

Franklin Meet
We came up from the Bama to meet the rest of the Souther Folk.....
(If Eric posts pictures of my dirty rim Im gunna kick him!)

Spring Zings

The only people I really talk to anymore are off of this site...I love you assholes!
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heres a pic,checkerdsvt,luca,buddypalumbo

Next to Chris's 96 tour is the digital slacker's car. He had an SE before he got his SVT. The yellow ZX2, I can't remember his user name.

2 years ago?? i think. it was at a nice italian place up near reading. Followed Doug(digital slacker) up to the meet. met Christine, Allen and his wife, Paul and his wife, glenn was suppose to join but wrecked his black svt, and 2 other people.

The two others were Aaron and his dad I believe.

You met me before that meet. We met at Harry's in Allentown. :)
I see Ian and his dad wrenching on a silver SVT and go to talk to them. Told Ian about the CEG, he said he was a member but never posted. What do I do? I tell him to post. :help: He does and look what happened.... :laugh: ;)

IIRC, my first was Carlisle. It was before I had the SVT so it had to be in 03.
I met Allen for the first time. Antonio was there, Bobby Knauber, Pete (GTO Pete), and Chris (Shaggy). Those are really the only ones that I remember speaking with. In typical Carlisle tradition, it was pouring rain and cold too.

John, Chknhwk, was the first CEG'er that I met.
s/r something..he didnt post much after he got flamed for something he said:shrug:
christine,do you have any other pictures from that meet? i have a few that i could find,although i took many,but the only one i found were of my car...go figure:laugh:
I have pictures somewhere Chris, probably stored on another hard drive. I'll look for them and send them to you.

That's right, ZX2 guy did get flamed for something and that was the last of him. :D
First meet was at the local Speedzone and was a combination SVTOA and local CEG meet. This was January 2002 I think. Dion, Bito, VuduSVT (I think), ProudSVT, and Plastique_synthetiX (again, I think). Memory's a little fuzzy and I probably forgot one or two. The Cali archives don't go that far back and I think there was a post on it. I think there was one other meet at Speedzone so I might be mixing the people up as far as who was at which meet. :shrug: If you were at either meet or weren't at either, chime in and correct me if I'm wrong! :cool: