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amusé par les flatulences
May 14, 2001
Youngstown, OH
The truck's title arrived in the mail yesterday (along with a tiny refund since we overpaid by a few dollars).
So Joanie is officially ours! woot woot! party time
Look at her grinning. heh

Originally the plan was to buy the GL's replacement in August this year, but we started the shopping too early, and it got us too excited to wait.
So what would have been the money we were going to save as the downpayment on the Mazda, turned out to be the truck's payoff money instead.
So finally we're down to one car payment again.
That was a rough few months paying both car payments. phooey!
I would cry if that was in rear view mirror...:laugh:

Sometimes I wish the truck did have a mouth, so it could gobble up all those bastids that cut me off.
Or at least flash some sharp teeth so those people poop their pants when they look in their rearview. :laugh: That would give me great pleasure.
Sometimes I wish the truck did have a mouth, so it could gobble up all those bastids that cut me off.

Can't you gobble them up anyways? :confused:
Just run 'em over! :laugh:

But yeah, being paid off is goooooood. I wish I had that feeling about college, but I'm in debt up to my eyeballs! :cool:
love that feeling...but now since we are looking into a new car for jess..we might just have that car payment feeling once again

Dunno how you guys do it .. I have yet to pay off my car and that was a loan maybe 1/4 the size of yours (or less)!

I live very simply. Ever notice I have the same shirts from ten years ago? lol... I hate shopping, so that helps.

I'm broke, love shopping, and still have shirts from ten years ago!

The trick is that 10 years ago it was cool to have oversized shirts. Now that I'm heftier from college and the fitted look is in...I can still wear the same shirt and look cool!