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Another who in the right mind.....


Nov 28, 2006
Ranson, WV
would do this and think its ok. I know its not the newer style but its still a cougar.

Who in THEIR right mind

Who in THEIR right mind

lol! It looks safer than the guy hauling the engine, that's for darn sure.
Amazing what people think of...cause doing that would have never crossed my mind. What a dunce...
I've seen that before too! :crazy: Why!!! ??? !!! I know that car didn't go anywhere. I'm surprised that the roof didn't cave in. With the roof not caving in makes me think it was a photoshop pic.
I've seen that before too! :crazy: Why!!! ??? !!! I know that car didn't go anywhere. I'm surprised that the roof didn't cave in. With the roof not caving in makes me think it was a photoshop pic.

Lol, look at the pic closely. At the angle the wood is at, it would HAVE to have caved in, but none of the windows are busted...makes no sense...
i see people doing that in the city every day ill have to start taking pics.:laugh:
I've seen that before too! :crazy: Why!!! ??? !!! I know that car didn't go anywhere. I'm surprised that the roof didn't cave in. With the roof not caving in makes me think it was a photoshop pic.

yea there is no way thats real. those small ropes would not hold that in place.
not to mention keeping the wood together on that angle.