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Taurus Car Club of America at Gingerman 5/17

$65 a person if they get 40 cars is a damn good deal. If anyone going to SZ and wants a full track day that would be something to look into. The TCCA event will end at 5pm and then it will be open to Test & Tune for us Spring Zingers.
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I just received this little note from Don Mallinson...


For sure see if any of the Contours want to do the day event. There are usually only 20-30 cars at these events, a few more would make it less expensive for everyone!

Hope to see you there.


What time does it start? After the long drive, I'm not gonna get up real early, but if it starts later I might would do it. Or if I could just show up and pay and run...
Here is the schedule that was sent out... looks like be there at 7:30 to drive (as long as you are pre-registered), or just come out to spectate later.

Taurus Car Club of America, Inc.
Gingerman Raceway Track Day – Road Course Event Schedule
Thursday, May 17, 2007

7:00am – Instructors and Staff arrive at track
7:30am – Participants arrive at track, tech inspections upon arrival
8:00am – Driver’s meeting – mandatory for all drivers
8:30am - NOVICE Driver's Meeting – mandatory for everyone in novice class
8:30am – Instructors do test/dryoff runs
8:30am – While instructors are on the track, finish tech inspections.
9:00am – Other run groups will start.
9:00 – 12:00 – Run groups as announced.
12:00 – 1:00pm – lunch (nobody permitted on the track)
1:00 – 4:30pm – Run groups as announced
4:30pm – Begin packing up
5:00 – We must leave the track grounds.

It would be appreciated if drivers arrive promptly at 7:30am.

** Tech forms will be 100% mandatory at this event – we have been rather relaxed on this in the past, please be sure to bring your form this time. ** This schedule is subject to change, please pay attention to the overhead announcements for instructions, etc.


Drivers’ spouses, significant others and children will be permitted to enter the track grounds free of charge as spectators. There will be a $10 spectator fee for all other guests (this entitles each paying spectator to lunch that is provided). We ask that spectators not arrive until 8:30 or later to minimize congestion as we get drivers registered and tech inspections completed.

Event Staff:
Jason Kennedy – Event Host
Don Mallinson – Lead Instructor
Brad Roehrig – Tech Inspections
Mario Marcu – Food