Originally posted by perry:
Here's what Cardoc sent to another moderator when quizzed about this group buy.

We saw pictures of the 10 guage only sets that were bought from Cardoc, but none of the bad guages or HVACs that I can recall. Odd.

So Cardoc called off the group buy in January. When was the money sent to the second company? When were the bad guages recieved?

1BADTOUR, why don't you come completely clean with everyone? Stop the lies and half-truths. Tell the full story.

I have had a feeling that it was coming to this the whole time...
Something always seemed fishy and I was the only A$$hole that would speak up. I spoke up so much that he paid me off first hoping that I would shut up. I did, but now I just can't wait to find out WTF happened and if I am correct about about my accusations and assumptions.

Born again on 04/09/06 FOR SALE: Moonroof glass and motor MB sunshade PM ME!