Just to let everyone know I'm still alive. I have had some issues at home and had to work them out, this is why I have not been able to update or even get online. I'm really sad to see people ditching out on this group buy, I will contact my supplier and see if I can get the go ahead with the poeple we have now. If my supplier says no, I will leave the group buy open untill october the 25th to see if we can get those last people to pay and if not I will start refunding peoples money and the group buy will not happen.

Once again I'm sorry I haven't been online more, I hope you all understand. I really hope this group buy happens because I really want those gauges.

Well thats about all for now.

Adam Electric Red 95 Ford Contour GL ATX Zetec Born on 11/01/94 (The Official SCCEG Beater.) Coming soon... Micah's Pre98 SVT Front Bumper and SVT body kit. **1BADTOUR**