Yeah, no doubt that guy was a friggen moron for doing that on a two-lane road. The only place(off-track) that Ive ever gotten above 90 and felt safe is on an interstate when the roads seperate and you are like 60 yards over from the oncoming traffic. Even still it is not safe.

Yeah and whoever said that they'd never do that with a passenger is a moron. While i agree that id never drive crazy with anyone in the car with me, there is much more to consider.

When you drive dangerously you are equally putting every other person on the road at risk. Just because there is no one else in YOUR car doesnt absolve you from any responsibility. Everyone on the road is like your passenger. Think of it like this. Take a bus, fill it up with everyone that you would pass on the road when you were racing and then drive like you stole something. Right, thats ridiculous no one would do something that stupid. Just think when you feel like speeding excessively. How would you feel if you hit a minivan full of kids. "Well at least there wasnt anyone in the car with me." Its just Stupid.

At least we can take some consolation that the majority of people doing this are in small civics or compact "sports cars." if they hit an suv or something, the victims would be at least a little more safe.