I have a couple of questions..

1) why only MTX?
2) is it possible to fill the ATX mounts?

MY understanding (very limited) is that the mounts connect the engine/transmission to the subframe of the car, right? so therefore filling it with a hard substance (the polyurethane) cause the stiffness that cause the NVH but at the same time prevent or dramatically reduces the wheelhop associated with the engine itself moving?
I hope I'm getting all this correct.

Anywayz, it could be all wasted in my opinion anyway cause I have and CD4e...but that leads me back to the original questions..help me out please. Its not that I plan on racing my slushbox..lol, its just I figure since I'm changing mounts soon I might as well see if they can be filled.


Originally posted by PÃ?â?¢WDÃ?â?°Ã?®CÃ?Ë?Ã?Æ?TMÃ?â?¬N:
I can do anything if i can find that powder .