Originally posted by KingpinSVT:
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
What does ice turn into when it gets colder than 32F

at 32F, it turns to ice. thats it. 3 stages. gas, liquid, solid.

Wow, that's not how it works.

Ice definitely can get colder than 32F.

The whole covering the oranges with ice thing is done to protect the oranges from the chilling wind. As more wind makes contact to the oranges heat transfer takes place at a faster rate. So covering the oranges in ice helps insulate them (keep the heat of the orange within the orange), and even that will only last so long.

Ice can definitely go lower than 32F. Think about it, coldness or coolness isn't really a quantity that we deal with, it's rather varying levels of heat, or the complete lack of heat (absolute zero). Everything above absolute zero basically has heat in it.

If ice couldn't go lower than 32F, then we would have a magical substance that retains heat no matter what.

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