
PIA wont be purchasing anymore airplanes. They recently 2 years ago purchased 2 brand new 777-200ER's (that were delivered last year), 3 777-200LR's (to be delivered) and 2 777-300ER (to be delivered). thats insane my friends those of you who know what I'm talking about

That whole deal stank.

A near-bankrupt airline places a $1.X billion order for a brand new airplane line that hadn't been used in revenue service before, immediately after the US government had forgiven Pakistan of $1B in debt and even had a US bank guarantee the loan. It was a gesture of goodwill at best; there's no way PIA could have made a deal for any new planes, let alone 11 of the best in the world, if not for the US gov't.

Of course Airbus and France/UK/EU has pulled many similar stunts in the past, so I can't blame Boeing or the US for doing it.

2003 Mazda6s 3.0L MTX Webpage
2004 Mazda3s 2.3L ATX