Originally posted by Sneaku:
Originally posted by ZetecNinja:
sorry people but I'm gonna have to agree with the guy that its wrong.

Wanting your money back is fine...wanting your money back and not caring how you get it is another thing.

You don't put someone else in debt because you want your money back, especially if he was not the one who ripped you off. Instead of going after Kaotic, you're just trying to get your money back by any means necessary and it really isn't right when you end up hurting someone who helped you out.

Knowing that he was handling money, u guys should have been aware of the terms and conditions and how everything was working...if something goes wrong you know good and well who to go after and why, and he is not it.

Sorry that you guys think he should be held responsible but I just don't think so...and if he called them out on the forums, oh well.

I wasn't in on this GB (thank god) but from what I remember reading in that [painfully long thread before Nirish (onosway) was the one who set this gb up through Kaotic. The minute he did that and started collecting money he became partly responsible...that's pretty mucb basic busniess law I believe.
If you buy a sony dvd player from Walmart and get home and the box is empty do you go after Sony? No you go back to Walmart. Not the greatest analogy but it's close I guess.

My personal opinion on thie (which may get me flamed but so be it) from what I saw once everythign went bad nirish just kinda stopped caring. Refusing to get on ceg and update everyone because he was too stressed by all the pissed off people that wanted their product THEY PAID FOR etc. Once it got worse I remember him posting about going down there and how f'ed up his car was etc. Seemed to me like his car was his major concern and everyone else was on their onw at that point. Maybe if he had woprked a bit harder at going after Kaotic and got everyone onboard (since he was the starter of this GB)then everyone would have their money back, his car would be fixed, and everything would be just fine. Those people went through paypal or their credit card companies to get theior money back and rightly so. If those companies went after nirish then there was obviously a legal recourse to do so and they shouold not be faulted for it. It's sad that nirish got caught in the middle but that's called taking responsibility for something you started.
AGES ago I posted that I had a lwayer friend I would ask about a group lawsuit if nirish and the rest wanted to do it. I got a whole ZERO pms about it so I don't really see where he was trying too hard to get anything accomplished other than getting his car taken care of. i don't see how anyone can be blamed for wanting their hard earned money back.

i also have a family member who is involved with business law and has done sutes for these type of situations....I to offered him the smae thing you did.

I even passed along infomation form my uncle to him..(of course stating that proper legal consultation must be done with him directly) After that, i heard nothing baout it...Now i will say this, though i have posted 'against him" i have had the oppotunity of meeting him and to me he is an Upstanding person who i believe meet no harm or mis-deed.

i really do feel bad for his miss fourtune. Like i stated before, i was in a similar situation but on a a lot smaller scale....and ZETEC, i really do agree with your principals, but the reason i stated what i did, was becasue he cannot sit around and just do nothing....HE MUST TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST KAOTIC (or Chris).... the law may not be fair in his case...but it also gives him the right to go after Kaotic (or the owner in this case) to recoupe monetary losses, even if they shut down...he needs to take that and go with it....the law should be on his side in this case!


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