Originally posted by Roz 1999 SVT-C:
Originally posted by livinsvt:
So what are you doing to go after Chris? You are responsible for the money people sent you, and Chris is responsible for the money sent to him. Do somethin instead of whining, you could have closed this deal long ago had you paid more attention to your car to begin with.

Thats exactly how it works....You need to go after the person who you gave the money.

You cna't just sit here and keep asking people to get off your back...thats not how it works...its a fact of life.

Legaly you can go after him...you give a lawer the infomation and even if he closed shop, they can usualy track it down.

i know you want people off you back and i understand your financial situation, but its not going to happen..Livinsvt is right, you need to take action against Chris. if you don';t its going to get even uglier.

you can't keep "whinning" like Livinsvt said...action needs to be taken so you need to seek advice of professional council.

But believe me i know how you feel...i was in the same situation like you, but at a much smaller scale.


I just don't see the point in going after a person that dosen't have your money.

This is the Cali attitude and laws that I hate. This is why I would never open a business in Cali.

Just a Plain SE. AKA Big Country I maybe path914's B**** now, but wait until he needs his clutch done. We will see WHO is WHO's B**** then!